
@ 11/30/2003

وقتي كه ما بدهكار هم مي‌شويم 

ديروز شنبه رفتم و كتاب اكسس رو گرفتم كامپيوترهايي رو كه براي مسابقه‌هاي acm برده بودند آورده بودند و داشتند درست مي‌كردند از بچه‌ها شاملو و يكي ديگه بود كه اسمش رو نمي‌دونم خانم پورمند و يك مشاور ديگه هم ك اسمش رو هنوز نمي دونم از گسترش تا اطلاع ثانوي شريف هستند
خانم پناهي هم بود از دست من دلخور بودش و گفت كه چرا توهين كردي تو وب‌لاگ به شريف و ...
من اولش جا خوردم و با چند تا ذيالوگ يك مقدار فضا بهتر شد بعد ديدم كه كه ناراحتي پيش اومده عذر خواهي هم كردم من يادم نبود كه دقيق چه چيزهايي نوشنم الان اومدو و چك كردم شون ديدم جز واقعيت و احساسي كه اون زمان داشتم چيزي ننوشتم چند نكنه رو من يادآوري مي‌كنم كه از اين بيشتر بده كار نشويم
1)اين كه ما 3 هفته تعطيل بوذم بدون هيچ دليل منطقي يك توهين محسوب مي‌شود (اگر اينجا ايران نبود بايد خسارت هم مي‌داديد)
2)اين كه توي اين 3 هفته پاسخ‌گويي درستي به نشد توهين محسوب مي‌شه
3)اين كه كامپيوترهايي رو كه ما پولش رو داديم به هر دليلي (خواه تحكيم روابط با شريف باشه حواه هر چيز ديگه) براي acm جابجا مي‌كنند و باعث مي شه كه باز ما عقب بمونيم يك توهين هستش

يك داستاني رو هم من بگم كه تمومش كنم يكي مي‌ره ساندويچ فروشي مي‌ينه منوي غدا نوشته هات‌داگ 1700 تومان پول رو تو صندوق حساب مي‌كنه و براش يك نان باگت خالي مي‌يارن تا صداش در مي‌ايد طرف مي‌گن كه يه 300 تومان ديگه بدي هات‌داگش هم برات مي‌گذاريم (نقل از يكي ديگه از بچه‌ها)

پي نوشت:
1)من تا ساعت 11.30 دقيقا اپتك بودم و آقاي نوري زاده تا اون موقع نيومده بود
2)اين نمره‌ها تقريبا ارزشي نداره و امتخان آن‌لاين ملاك خواهد بود و فقط در صورتي كه بخواهيم برويم دانشگاه ممكن هست كه كرديت برامون حساب شه (اين رو دقيق بايد از پورمند پرسيد)
3)از شماها چه خبر؟



@ 11/29/2003

Active Server Pages 

A Web-oriented technology developed by Microsoft that is designed to enable server-side (as opposed to client-side) scripting. Active Server Pages are text files that can contain not only text and HTML tags as in standard Web documents, but also commands written in a scripting language (such as VBScript or JavaScript), that can be carried out on the server. This server-side work enables a Web author to add interactivity to a document or to customize the viewing or delivery of information to the client without worrying about the platform the client is running. All Active Server Pages are saved with an .asp extension and can be accessed like standard URLs through a Web browser, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. When an Active Server Page is requested by a browser, the server carries out any script commands embedded in the page, generates an HTML document, and sends the document back to the browser for display on the requesting (client) computer. Active Server Pages can also be enhanced and extended with ActiveX components.




Another key 2 happiness: Refuse 2 b upset by any injustice unless u r ranting 5% and working constructively 2 improve it 95% otherwise, refuse 2 focuses on it. It’s that simple…



@ 11/26/2003

چند ايراد كلي به نمره‌ها و نظريات انتقادي من


سلام به همه حتما شما هم مثل من يك مقداري يكه خورديد (شوكه شديد) وقتي نمره‌هاتون رو ديديد من چند نكته رو همين‌جا به استاد آقاي نوري زاده مطرح مي‌كنم
1) آيا نمره‌ها از صد بوده اگر بلي چرا
×از 166 نوشته‌ايد ؛Total/166؛
×اين فيلد Class Activity/5 مگر از 5 نيست پس جمع همه‌ي فيلدها كه مي‌شود 85 تا 15 تاي بقيه كجا رفته‌است؟!!!
2)Home/10 همين‌طور برايم جالب است كه همه نمره‌شان 6 شده است و مبناي و معيار نمره چگونه بوده‌است و يك پروژه كه از نظر شما نمره‌ي كامل را مي‌گيرد چگونه بايد باشد يك نمونه هم لطفا براي ما بفرستيد كه بدانيم كجايش كم و كسري دشته كه 2/5 كل نمره‌ها پريده است!
3)در مرود Problem/15 من مطمون هستم كه نمره ي كامل را مي‌گيرم و روي اين نمره اعتراض دارم (تجديد نظر ويا تصحيح آن‌را رسما حواستارم)
4)در مورد Word/15 من هنوز نفهميدم منظورتان از 14.5 چيست ؟ فكر مي كنم .5 اشتباه شده‌است (يادآوري مي‌كنم كه 14.5 از 15 يعني اين‌كه چيزي وجود دارد در MS word و در كتاب KITSO آورده شده و من از آن بي اطلاع بوده‌ام كه فكر نمي‌كنم اين طور بوده باشد)
5)در مورد پروژه‌ي Excell من اين پروژه را تحويل داده‌ام ولي نمره‌اش وارد نشده من يا پروژه را پيدا مي‌كنم و مي‌فرستم دوباره يا با توجه به تعريف پروژه كه در پست‌هاي قبلي وب‌لاگ آن‌ار نوشته‌ايد يكي ديگر تهيه كرده و مي‌فرستم
6)فكر نمي كنم Excell به نسبت بقيه‌ي عنوان‌هاي درسي اهميت بيش‌تري داشته باشد (از روي تعداد صفحاتي كه به آن اختصاص داده شده مي‌توان به اين موضوع پي برد) كه 10+15 نمره به آن احتصاص داده شده‌است و به بقيه ي عنوان‌ها 15 نمره و در عوض به درس اينترنت نمره‌اي اختصاص داده نشده باشد(ياد آوري مي‌كنم كه درس اينترنت كاربرد آفيس در اينترنت مي‌باشد كه طبق استاندارد Aptech بايد تدريس شود)

در پايان ضمن عنوان اين نكته كه شخصا از نخوه ي برگزاري كلاس و ... راضي هستم (نظر بقيه را نمي‌دانم)
در مورد موارد بالا كه نوشته‌ام كه همه‌اش به معيارهاي بد نمره دادن بر مي‌گردد معترض هستم
منتظر پاسخ هم مي باشم در ضمن براي اين‌كه هم يك بازخوردي (همان feedback) بقيه داده باشند در مورد نمره‌ها و هم اين‌كه حرف‌هاي و نظرات شخصي من صرفا تاثير گدار نباشد و هم اين نمره‌ها با پست شدن مطالب پايين‌تر نرود بقيه مي‌توانند نظرات خودشون رو اين‌جا بگدارند در مورد نمره‌ها
از اونجايي كه اين نمره در امتحان آنلاين aptech تاثير خواهد داشت برايم مهم است كه چه نمره اي گرفته‌ام

نظرتان را در مورد نمره ها بگوييد

Dear all,
hi , I am in hurry it's 2. A.m and I am on with Mazdak, but gotta go soon.

1. Eide fetr bar hame mobarak bad.
2. Amir sayyadi aziz, why didn't u invite others 2 yr eftari party, hala dige tanhaee?????? hala ke 6 marks azat kam kardam, u'l get the point.

3. Mr. Ata khan, 6 marks from u too for not inviting us 2 yr 50th birthday.

4. look! I have told Mazdak and Peyman 2 put the mesage with the ,marks that these marks are not finalized due to some problems:
1. becos i can't open some of the flopies for soem problems like virus and dameged files.
2. my old list is not with me, the former secretary at Aptech got it and i have no access to , i'l get it on saturday.
So if there is any problem like these i said, i'l be in aptech on sat. and i wil only accept any objection til then, or u can contact me via mail or phone and let me know the point. otherwise don't be mad mad at me.
felan bye

hey! don't pig out tommorrow.
good luck all



@ 11/24/2003

نمره ها نهايي نيستش ها!







Access Book ! 

Attention :

Access Book is ready,

Please attend to sharif to take your book!

1)Our class will start on Azar/10
2)your marks will be uploaded
3)Access Book is ready
editeed By Mazdak



@ 11/23/2003

Hot News 

Khob ,

Ghabel tavajohe hameye bar o bachehaye daneshgahe sharif ,
bebinim farda che mikonid dige !!!
donbalesho begirid , har chizi ye rahe hali dare o ye joori belakhare hal mishe ....
hameye daneshjoohaye Aptech baraton arezooye movafaghiyat daran , Omidvaram
ke har che zodtar in moshkel ham khatme be kheir beshe .
Maro hatman dar jarian bezarid va dar morede natayeje bedast omade sohbat konid !

Dar zemn , az Jenabe Aghaye Mousaviye aziz ham babate lotf o tavajohi ke be hameye
bachehaye Aptech daran besiar sepasgozarim va barashon arezooye movafaghiyate
bishtari mikonim ...

Ishon har cheghad movafagh va pirooz bashan , ingar Aptech movafagh shode , va har
chi Aptech bere bala , engar ma be hadafamon nazdiktar shodim ...

Be har hal , ma be hozore ishon dar jamemon eftekhar mikonim va az tavajoheshon be
masaele daneshjooyane aptech mojadadan sepasgozarim .

Ba ehteram,

Az tarafe hameye bachehaye Aptech

- Ehsan

ba salam khetmate tamamie doosta
bar asase telephoni ke az markaze mohasebat(sharif) be ma shod terme
jadid dar tarikhe doshanbe dahome azar (10/9/1382) bargozar khahad
ba tashakkor:
modir site www.iranaptech.net

Salam dobare !

Man hamin alan ( saate 1:15 ) az sharif barghashtam albate hanooz aghay mohandes pour javad, va chand ta dighe az hamkarh ahanooz sharif hastan.

hame chiz hal shod , hamey class ha hadeaksar ta 2shanbe va 3 shanbey haftey ayande tashkil mishe
az hamey bachehay sharif khahesh mikonam be ham dighe etelae bedan, ta onjaiee ke residim man va baghiye zang zadim vali khob shayad kasi az ghalam oftade bashe

Vali khob , khoda ro shokr kheyli chiza aroom aroom hal mishe , va hame chiz zodtar az onchizi ke fekresho bokonin behtar az aval khahad bood

Va az EHSAN va in groohe kheyli alish ke man motmaenam be zodi kheyli vasie tar khahad shod ham moteshakeram
And my Idea

من سر حرفم هستم و هيچ تضميني وجود نداره كه بعد از اين مشكلي پيش نيايد و شريف هم كه واقعا گل كاشته با جواب‌گو بودنش انقدر مسووليت پذيري و پاسخ‌گويي واقعا تحسين برانگيز هستش!!
ختما بايد يك سري آدم (يعني ما ها) پاشيم يك روز وقت مون رو تلف كنيم بريم گسترش اون ها هم 2 روز كش بدهند و تازه 10 ام آذر كلاس‌ها لطف كرده و شروع شوند من واقعا براي رييس و مسوول مركز Aptech شريف و تمامي كساني كه در اين افتضاخ مسووليت مستقيم داشتند متاسفم اگر چه به هيچ جاي آقايان بر نخواهد خورد ولي اين را مي‌نويسم كه فكر نكنند كه با يك مشت احمق طرفند من در اسرع وقت شرايط انتقالي گرفتن و نحوه‌ي اقدام را مي‌پرسم و از همه ي كساني هم كه پيام گذاشتند ممنونم شريف جواب خودش را در اين 6 ماه پس داده‌است و نشان داده‌است كه در يك ساختار لحت بي‌نظم دولتي نمي‌تواند پيشروي آموزش و حركتي نو باشد و از هر فرصتي براي منافع دانشجويان خودش سود خواهد برد و از طرفي مركز گسترش هم با نظارت بي‌همتاي خود بر شعبه‌هايش نشان داده‌است كه بهتر است شريفي را كه تازه زاييده‌است بزرگ بكند و بعد به شعباتش اضافه كند!!
اين هم نتايج نظر سنجي




ye chiz kochik ro faramoosh kardan onham inke daran toye bozorghtarin , behtarin ,... markaz amoozeshi iran dars mikhonan , jaiee ke vaghean vorood be onja ye zamani baraye hame AREZOU mahsob mishod
----- Original Message -----
From: sayed ali musavi
To: aptechiran@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: [AptechIran] Sharif uni


Bebinid bacheha man aval bayad ye chizi ro rooshan konam , Onam inke man serfan MASOOLE AMOOZESHE markaz APTECH markazi hastam va masel sharif ziad be man marboot nist vali vaghean ta onjaiee ke emkan dare alan daram saay mikonam ke in moshkelat be nahve ahsan hal she vali in beyn chand ta mooshkel kheyli bozorghe hast :

1- doostani ke dar markaz sharif dars mikhonan , shayad va khoob in kamelan tabiee ke nesbat be kasayee ke az kharej vared oon mohit mishan kami moghavemat neshon dade mishe .

2- man ba tamam bachehayiee ke pish man omadan sohbat kardam va ghoftam aghe dars khoondan to oon mohit ba in sharayet inghadr sakhte pas chera be markaz barnemighardan va nemiyan inja dars bekhonan .

Doostan biaan ye kam baham va dar kenar ham fekr konim. hamey ma farda sobh ( yekshanbe sobh ) dar markez sharif khahim bood va hatman ye rah hal monaseb peyda konim.

ba tashakor

Salam Ali Jan ,

Shoma dorost mifarmaeid ...

Manam nagoftam ke shoma khodaei nakardeh harfe namarboot ya
bimanteghi zadi , man etefaghan shoma ro be enteghad kardan tashvigh
kardam ...
Man faghat khastam begam ke har harfi ke mizanid ba dalil va mantegh va
vazeh o roshan bashe . shoma vaghti kheili kamel o kafi sohbat koni va
dalayele roshani dashte bashi , motmaen bash ke hich kasi peyda nemishe
ke betone harfe shoma ro nadideh begire ....

Ma yeki az moshkelati ke darim hamine ke tamame zavayaye ye mozo ro
nemibinim va moshkele digamon ham ine ke hich vaght nemikhaim daste
jaami amaal konim ...

aya shoma be in mozo fekr kardid ke aslan chera bayad goostaresh informatic
be masaleye daneshgahe sharif tavajoh nakone ? yanni aslan che sodi az in kar
mibareh gheir az inke yeseri az daneshjohash ro dochare dardesar kone ?

Pass mosalaman onha ham peygire in mozo hastan , hatman ye moredi vojod
dare va dir ya zod in moshkelo hal khahand kard ....
shoma mitonid yek seda jooyaye in masaleh beshid va az masolin kheili manteghi
va mohtaramaneh bekhaid ke in mored ro baraton roshan konan .

az tarafi ino kheili kooli goftam ke masoline Aptech dar jariane matalebi ke
toye in grouh matrah mishe gharar daran , pass motmaen bash ke dar sorate
lozom az tarighi ke khodeshon salah midonan behesh javab khahand dad .

be har hal chizi ke moheme ine ke in grouh baraye hameye bachehaye Aptech eejad
shode ta harfha va moshkelateshon ro matrah konan . manzoram ine ke moshkelati
ro ke shoma va digar doostan matrah mikonan , moshkele hameye mast va be har
hal be nahvi bahash ya dargir hastim ya boodim va ya khahim bood ...

man ham mesle shoma doost daram har che zodtar moshkelat hal beshe va taklife
ma kheili zod roshan beshe ... agar ham inja hastam tanha bekhatere ine ke ye nazm
va tartibi dade basham va masire harekate grouh ro hedayat konam va ta jaei ke az
dastam bar miad be baghye komak konam . fek nemikonam ke baghyeye bacheha va
aazaye grouh ham hadafi gheir az in dashte bashan .

Ma bayad baa ham va yek seda bashim ....

dar akhar ham az hamegi ozr mikham ke majborim in harfa ro be in shekl va besorate
Penglish bezanim , midonam vaghean khondanesh sakhte , man khodam ham aslan raazi
nistam , ama che bayad kard ... vaghean charehee nist !

Shad va Movafagh bashid

- Ehsan

----- Original Message -----
From: Ali Rezaei
To: Aptech IT
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 12:31 PM
Subject: [AptechIran] Moshkelat

Salam Ehsan jan,
bebkhashid man dge chetoryyy vazeh tar begaM. agar ke shoma ham onja
mikhondin mifahmidid ke man chi migaM. Mantegh va Osol !!!???
mantegh ine ke 1k nafar javabe dorost behet nemide.
Osol ine ke hich kas masol nist!
va vaghty ham mikhay enteghaly begiri bayad hazine pardakht koni!!
paS dge lotfaN raje be mantegh o in chiza har nazanim!

----- Original Message -----
From: Ehsan
To: Aptech Iran Yahoo Group
Sent: Saturday, November 22, 2003 09:10 AM
Subject: [AptechIran] Moshkelat

Salam Ali Jan,

Man daghighan nemidonam ke onja chi dare migzare ...
ama ye chizi hast onam ine ke inja har chi ke begi khondeh mishe , yanni
belakhare be gooshe yeki mirese ! pass dar morede moshkelat , vaazeh ,
roshan va ba mantegh o osol sohbat konim !

in kheili moheme ...


- Ehsan



@ 11/22/2003


From the first time that life could be heard,
To the last sounds of men on this earth,
The question is always the same, where are we going, where are we going?

by: Chris de Burgh album: Crusader song: Carry on



A New Graphics Kid on the Block: XGI Volari  

For a long time now, the graphics card market has been a two-horse race between ATi and NVIDIA. Now, new competitor XGI makes its entry onto the stage.

However, despite the new name, several old names in the graphics sector, have lent their secret sauces to the new company. XGI, in fact, was formed when SIS spun off its graphics division Xabre, which was then renamed XGI. Only a few months later, XGI acquired Trident's graphics subsidiary, thus adding Trident graphics technology to its portfolio. Rumor has it that several big investors also back the new name. One such candidate could possibly be UMC, the Taiwanese foundry giant that entered into a strategic alliance with SIS at the end of last year.

Of course, there are no official comments on who is pulling the strings, but it seems clear that XGI is on solid financial ground. This also explains the company's confidence in its plans. After all, XGI wants to begin turning a profit by 2005 and aims to be the worldwide market leader among the GPU makers by 2007. Whether or not XGI will actually be able to meet these goals remains to be seen. After all, this start-up is planning to compete with the two technology leaders ATi and NVIDIA on their home turf.

Lastly, let's not forget Intel , the current market leader in the graphics chip business, who has been a pain in its competitors' sides by sheer volume. Nonetheless, XGI is not planning to be an also-ran, challenging ATi and NVIDIA with a full line-up of desktop and mobile parts. Additionally, there are also plans for integrated graphics chips on motherboards.



Intel promises 4GHz chip 

Intel is striving to break the 4GHz barrier for its chips.

The chipmaker, which discussed its plans in a wide-ranging meeting with financial analysts on Thursday, said it aims to boost the performance of a broad range of its products next year, including cranking up its desktop PC processors.

"Our goal is to hit 4GHz in 2004," Intel president Paul Otellini said during a meeting that was Webcast.

Intel is aiming to reach that clock speed with Prescott, an upcoming processor for desktop computers that will be built using a 90-nanometer manufacturing process. (A nanometer is one billionth of a metre.) Prescott is scheduled to ship this quarter to PC makers, Mr. Otellini said. But it's not expected to come in desktop PCs until early next year. Right now, Intel's fastest chip is the 3.2GHz Pentium 4.

see more at : http://www.globetechnology.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20031120.gtintel1120/BNStory/Technology/



@ 11/20/2003

what's the difference between standby and hibernate : 

Hibernate :

Hibernate lets you turn off your computer so that when you restart it, everything is restored exactly as you left it, including unclosed programs and documents. There's no need to worry about shutting down quickly, and you also save power and wear and tear on your computer.

If you are interrupted often, you might also consider putting your computer into automatic hibernation after a specified number of minutes.

When you put your computer into Hibernate mode:

Everything in memory is saved on the disk.
The monitor and hard disk are turned off.
The computer is turned off.

Standby :

Standby is used mainly for conserving power, particularly battery power in laptop computers. It also gives you the benefit of getting right back to your work without waiting for the computer to restart. Standby turns off your monitor and hard disks, placing your entire system in a low-power state. When you return to your computer, it quickly comes out of Standby mode and your desktop is restored exactly as you left it. Please be aware though that, unlike Hibernate, Standby does not store unsaved information on your hard disk; it's stored in the computer memory. If there is an interruption in power, information in memory is lost. So before putting your computer on Standby, you should save your files.

When you put your computer into Standby mode:

The computer switches to a low power state.
Devices such as the monitor and hard disks are turned off.
Information in computer memory is not saved to the disk.



@ 11/19/2003

wass up again? 

im really confused!!!!!!!!!!!!!



سلام ما رفتیم گسترش


سلام ما رفتیم گسترش و هم با پورجواد و هم با موسوی و هم با یکی از مشاوران مشکلاتمون رو در میان گذاشتیم این طور که معلومه هنوز با شریف مشکلات زیادی دارند ویکی از مشاورها پیشنهاد کردند به ما که بیاییم گسترش و در حقیقت انتقالی بگیریم که البته گویا 20 هزار تومان هم هزینه ی انتقال هست که به نظر من نباید این مبلغ رو بگیرند البته آقای پورجواد پیشنهاد کرد که تحمل کنیم تا مشکلات حل بشه و منتقل نشویم راستش را بخواهید من تصمیم گرفته‌ام که خدوم را منتقل کنم به چند دلیل
1) ما خیلی به نسبت بقیه عقبیم! خیلی بیش‌تر از چیزی که فکرش رو بکنید هم دوره‌ای های ما دارن الان C می‌خوانند
2) ما بیش‌تر انرژی مون داره تلف می‌شه که مشکلات شریف رو حل کنیم تا این‌که درس بخونیم
3)اصلا معلوم نیست که تا کی شریف شعبه‌ی گسترش می‌مونه (چون هنوز قردادی بین طرفین امضا نشده)
4)کامپیوترها همچنان مشکل دارند
5)آون‌قدر شیر تو شیر هست مرکز محاسبات شریف و اونقدر کنترل و نظارت بدی روی عمل‌کرد شریف از طرف گسترش وجو داده که دکتر تابش به خودش اجازه می‌ده که از کامپیوترهایی که شرکت گسترش انفورماتیک در اختیار مرکز محاسبات گذاشته برای ما -دانش‌جویان Aptech- برای کاری دیگر یعنی مسابقات ACM سود ببره و از مکان و امکاناتی که برای ماست، حق مسلم ماست و پولش رو دادیم کسان دیگری استفاده کنند و کار اون‌قدر بالا می‌گیره که حتی بچه‌ها رو دم در حراست راه نمی‌دهند تو!!! و می‌گویند "مرکز محاسبات تعطیل است." حالا یکی نیسن به اون آدم نیمه محترم بگه که آخه ... فکر می‌کنی همه مثل تو ... که ندونند مرکز محاسبات یک دانش‌گاه تنها جایی هستش که حتی اگر 4 روز کل دانش‌گاه تعطیل بشه مرکز محاسباتش تعطیل نمی‌شه
6)وقتی توی مرکز یک جایی باشی حساسیت‌ها بالاتر هست نظم بیش‌تری حاکم هست و کنترل بیش‌تری هم از سوی هندی ها اعمال می‌شه چون شریف شعبه‌ی گسترش هستش و هندی‌ها زیاد کاری با شعبه‌های گسترش ندارند و گسترش خودش کنترل می‌کنه شعبه‌هاش رو و از اونجایی که یک مقداری ایرانی بازی می‌شه و سیستم "س" رو در پیش می‌گیره کلا باید برای شعبه‌ی شریف تعطیلی رسمی رو در انتظار داشت با این وضعیت به شدت احمقانه و مدیریت به شدت افتضاح‌
7) وقتی اوضاع خوب شد بر می‌گردم چون خونمون نزدیک شریف هست
8) شخصا از چالش یا همون Chaleng خوشم می‌اید و دارم به این فکر می‌کنم که اگر تی 5-6 تا از شما بچه‌ها هم با من همراه بشید یک گروه خوب دیگه راه می‌اندازیم و آونجا هم تنها نیتیم ولی اگر هم کسی نیاید من تصمیم خودم را گرفته‌ام اما هنوز قطعی نیست واسه‌ی همین یک نظر سنجی هم می‌گذارم ببینم شما چی‌میگویید؟




@ 11/17/2003

Finally i get my answer! 

Here is the messages:
Dear Mazdak,

Noop , it's not a rule !
I don't know exactly why , But I think there is something wrong
with Sharif Uni. ! It's not related to Aptech Center !

as you may know , on November 27-28 2003 (Azar 6-7, 1382)
the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest is hosted
by Sharif University of Technology in Tehran Site for Asia region !

because of this placement , I think your courses will launch a bit late !
But I'm not sure ... so you may ask it form Aptech Center ...

It's better to know that our maximum break time between two courses
were 10 days at most !

That's it !

by the way , I hope you all be successful

- Ehsan

----- Original Message -----
From: weblogger
To: aptechiran@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2003 8:21 AM
Subject: [AptechIran] Qustion about rules of starting new book in Aptech

Hi to all i am student of Sharif Dep. in Aptech we start our cource
later than you becouse of Gostaresh problem with sharif uni
So we finished KITSO Book less last Week This is my qustion from all
"why we have 3 weeks for holiday after finishing a light book like
KITSO?" is it a rule of Aptech? pleas see our weblog and write your
comment or post & reply this mail to me

PS: Peyman please call me as soon as posible we need to arange things dear mag mag you too please and i will cal you two i am thinking about tomarrow is good day for ACTING!!



@ 11/15/2003

act faster ! 

I think that we should call everyone by phone again !



@ 11/14/2003

your comments 

OK it seems this is important for US! so i insert comment to this post only please write your comment about this post
here you can write your


PS: Sorry dear teacher i remove your post and save it as a draft and i will back it and publish it as soon as posible (i wana this post be last post during this week thx)



I agree 2  

! كم خوب نميگه



@ 11/13/2003

اين يك اديتور ميهمان است براي تست



What is CSS? 

CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets
Styles define how to display HTML elements
Styles are normally stored in Style Sheets
Styles were added to HTML 4.0 to solve a problem
External Style Sheets can save you a lot of work
External Style Sheets are stored in CSS files
Multiple style definitions will cascade into one



@ 11/12/2003

another group for Aptech in yahoo(fengilish base:() 

dar chand rooz gozashte aksar rozname haye iran ke mohemtarin anha
peyk sanjesh shomare 351 taarik: 19 aban mibashad ke ba chap etelaye
hayi ba onvan HOSHTAR az mardom kaste ke dar marakez aptech sabt nam
nakarde va elam nemode ke 2 daneshgah southem cross va sikkim manipal
faged etebar mibashad !!!!va az markaz aptech be onvan yek moasese
faged etebar nam borde va tamami rooznmae ha saay bar bi etebar
kardan aptech dar iran nemode and....
vali ba in vojood masolin markaz aptech egdam be shekayat va peygiri
in majara nemode and ke hanooz be natije ye kasi dar in mored be dast
nayavardan..... dar har sorat baz ham bayad be entezar neshast !!!!
vali anche brye ma daneshjoyan moshakaasd ast etebaar balaye madarek
aptech va daneshgahaye vbaste mibashad va in bazi haye siyaasi tasiri
dar rah va ahdaf ma ejad nemikonad,,,,




i am reading ICDl books it is office somthing like Kitso keep studing my friends
To Be The Best



Board of Directors: 

Kalpathi S. Suresh. Kalpathi Suresh co-founded SSI in 1991 and has been instrumental in growing the organization from an IT training company in Chennai to a global provider of consulting, software services, and training solutions. Suresh has a bachelors in electronics and computer science from IIT Madras, and a masters from Clemson University, South Carolina. He has previously worked at Siemens and HCL in India, and at Sybase in USA.
K.S.Aghoram K.S.Aghoram has been on the board of directors of SSI since 1991 and is a specialist in finance. His particular strengths are project financing, corporate financial management, taxation, auditing, and resource mobilization including handling public issues. He has a bachelors in commerce from the University of Madras.

K.S.Ganesh. K.S.Ganesh has been on the board of directors of SSI since 1991. He has previously worked in customer support functions in International Software India Ltd and Sterling Computers, and later was a freelance software developer. He has a bachelors in electronics and computer engineering from Anna University, an AMIE, and a masters from BITS Pilani.

D.V. Narasingarao. D.V. Narasingarao has been on the board of directors of SSI since 1994 and is closely involved in strategy and planning of all lines of business at SSI. A graduate in electronics and computer engineering from the Regional Engineering College Trichy, Narasingarao has previously headed customer support and service at Wipro InfoTech in Chennai, and has marketed software solutions to global clients in Dubai.

Pramod Khera. Pramod Khera has been associated with the IT education and training business for more than 12 years and is particularly strong in franchising, product management, and international expansion. Khera has a bachelors in engineering from IIT Delhi and a PGDM from IIM Bangalore. He has previously been CEO of Tele-Shopping Network.

V.Balasubramanian. V. Balasubramanian is closely involved in Aptech's global expansion, quality management, and thrust into new opportunity areas like training programs for the business process outsourcing industry. Balasubramanian has previously worked in Asea Brown Boveri and the National Productivity Council. He has a bachelors in engineering from Annamalai University and a masters in industrial engineering from National Productivity Council, New Delhi.

R. Nagarajan. R. Nagarajan has over 42 years of experience in banking. He joined the State Bank of India in 1959 and was most recently Chief General Manager overseeing Chennai, Pondicherry and Kerala.

N.S. Kumar. N.S. Kumar has over 25 years of experience in the IT industry and has previously worked with Honeywell Bull, Singapore; Electronic Corporation of India, and Trane Inc., USA.He is a member of the expert team advising the National Board of Accreditation (AICTE), New Delhi. Kumar has a masters from Ohio University.



News from Aptech 






@ 11/11/2003

Word/Excel 2002: Complex Scripts Numbers and Dates Converter Smartags 

The Complex Scripts Numbers and Dates Converter SmartTags download provides Smart Tags for Number conversions from Arabic digits to other local digits such as Hindi, Farsi and Thai. It also provides the ability to switch date calendars between Gregorian, Hijri, Lunar and Buddhist. Some date formats may not apply in different calendars. The Smart Tags User Interface follows the User Interface of your Office applications.
download it here



@ 11/09/2003

Stable Themplate for Our Weblog 

as you see there is some changes
1) adding some links such as FEngilish convertor, new editor,help for using editor
2) rules part!
3) and i let blogger to insert it's advertise (i removed it before but blogger didn't let to remove the banner) i insert it becouse blogger is our power and it need to get some add for better free service so i decide to insert it and i wont remove it :) i think it is good way
4) bugs of cod fixed and whole the source code size is 11.6 kb previuse version was 25kb so it is good now but i think i can decrees it to 6 kb i ll try it later it is good now and it is faster than before :)



@ 11/08/2003

Editor & Fengilish Convertor 

Dear Mehran please use Fengilish convertor look this plz

"با سلام khedmateh تمام دوستان .قابل ذکر هستش بنا به darkhasteh تعدادی از دوستان برنامهِ ADOBE PHOTOSHOP .۰۷ به روز ۱ شنبه ۱۸ آبان ماه ساعته ۱۰-۱۱.۳۰ مين ،okol شد .
با arezoyeh موفقيت همه شما دوستان."

and then for right to left writhing use editor it is simple to use try it
and never wirite in Fingilish! OK?



Do not wirte Fenglish 

Listen i insert an editor so please if you wana type farsi use it and do not type in fenglish mode
i hate it!
spesialy Peyman & other Modrators!



Hoselam sar raft!  

salam , hoselan sar raft , kasi midoune term-e jadid az key shorou mishe ?
Nomreha ro key e'lam mikonan ?
dar zamn kasi ta hala ketab-e access-emoun ro dide ?




@ 11/06/2003


----- Original Message -----
From: Mehran Sivari
To: msivari@msn.com ; aptechiran@yahoogroups.com ; aptechit@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 11:52 PM
Subject: [AptechIran] HTML file with Windows Application view

Hello every body,
HTML Application or HTA is new feature that is
added to Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 and latter
Using it is very simple, just with adding some line to
HTML code you can make your HTA file and run it like
any executable (.exe) written in C++ or Visual Basic.
Now lets go to make the first HTML Application.
Step 1:
In file explorer right click on HTML file
(sample.html or sample.htm) icon and open it with
NOTEPAD program.

step 2:
Add following lines in Header section

APPLICATIONNAME="Aptech group project"

Step 3:
Save your project with new extension (.hta) and
close NOTEPAD program. Double click on sample.hta and
it can be execute with new face.

Finally, HTA is able to carry out actions that
Internet Explorer would never permit in a Web page.
You can find more information on
www.MSDN.Microsoft.com .

Best regards,
Mehran Sivari.



Vezarat Oloum and APTECH 






our exam held at 8:30
containing 30 questions of explanitory & test & True/False Questions
The questions we be placed in


P.S : questions are not easy at all, our advice to you is:

well study the foundamental Chapters of Kitso



Final Exam 

Hi every body we are in the class and less than a little minutes started
Good luck !!!!!



@ 11/05/2003

For review the kitso go to this link 

great work from Peyman PM4ever.com thank you very much my friend!



new memebers again!!!!!!! intresting:) 

name = arash
where = tehran
replyemail = arash_beh 2000@yahoo.com

name = mohamad reza
where = tehran
replyemail = m_r_sarbaz@yahoo.com

name = hamidreza
where = it(aptech)
replyemail = hamidbass@yahoo.com

name = mehran
where = tehran
replyemail = mehran_messenger@yahoo.com

name = amir hossein yasini
where = it(aptech)
replyemail = amir_phantom@yahoo.com

name = Omid
where = TEHRAN
replyemail = Okestra2003@hotmail.com

name = Mahyar
where = TEHRAN
replyemail = Mars2002ir@yahoo.com

name = HAMED
where = KARAJ

name = Shahriyar
where = tehran
replyemail = Shahriyar_n@yahoo.com



new members again! 

name = majid
where = tehran
replyemail = majid10203040@yahoo.com

name = vahid
where = tehran
replyemail = real_slim_d12@yahoo.com



new members 

name = mehrshad
where = tehran
replyemail = barbod81x@yahoo.com

name = firouz
where = tehran
replyemail = firouz1692@yahoo.com

name = Saeed
where = Tehran
replyemail = force_n_force@yahoo.com

name = Farzad Ghaznavi
where = Iran
replyemail = f_a_r_z_a_d2003@yahoo.com

name = navid
where = tehran
replyemail = schwanz_m20_2pac@yahoo.com



@ 11/03/2003

i will go to "Sar amad" for get some info about NCC



"A Nice letter" 

hi, All.
Just read this letter for fun and let me know whta u got from it.

A mom wrote to his son while she was away in US.

" My dear Ghazanfar;
I am in a well here and hoping you are also in a well there. I'm writing this letter slowly, because I know you cannot read fast.
We don't live where we did when you left home. Your dad read in the newspaper that most accidents happen 20 miles from home, so we moved 20 miles. I won't be able to send the address as the last people who stayed here took the house numbers with them for their new house so they would not
have to change their address. Hopefully by next week we will be able to take our earlier address plate here, and our address will remain same too.
The weather here isn't too bad. It rained only twice last week. The First time it rained for 3 days and second time for 4 days.
The coat you wanted me to send you, your Aunt said it would be a little too heavy to send in the mail with all the metal buttons, so we cut them off and put them in the pocket.
Your father has another job. He has 500 men under him. He is cutting the grass at the cemetery.

Your sister had a baby this morning. I haven't found out whether it is a girl or a boy, so I don't know whether you are an Aunt or Uncle.
Your uncle, Ghasem fell in the nearby well. Some men tried to pull Him out, but he fought them off bravely and drowned.
Your best friend, Mahmood, is no more. He died trying to fulfill his father's last wishes. His father had wished to be buried in the sea after he died. And your friend died while in the process of digging a grave for his father.

There isn't much more news this time. Nothing much has happened.

Love - Mom.

P.S. Ghazanfar jan, I was going to send you some money but by the time I realized, I had already sealed off this letter.



" Happy News" 

Hi, All,
this is yr teacher. hope u all fine so far in Ramezan.
The news is that: the two Iranian cameramen and reported captured by US occupying forces in Iraq were released today morning after more than 100 days in capture.

the other point is that: since Ms. Sadr can't come to her classes , I have to teacher instead of her in her classes, so I can't be with u for problem solving class, so if u need to c me for any reason of yr projects or problems , meet me after 10.

Best wishes for all.



@ 11/02/2003

"features for projects in Word,Powerpoint,Excel" 

hi all,hope u hv done fine so far in ramazan.

word projects to contain:
20 pages
1-cover page:title,name,institute
2-table of contents is hyperlinked
3-5,4 sections:header&footer,e-mail,chapture,page no.
4-pics&charts,texts effects, up keys
5-word Art with effects
6-page borders,collumns +texts justify
7-some links or files to b offlines saved or files with the text .file provided.
8- tables in Autoformat
9-page set ups
powerpoint projects to contain:
1-first slide ,title ,names....
2-hyperlinked slides
4-pics &charts
5-effects,animations,good design templates
6-specifically designed templates (customized templates)
7-pic in background
Excel features:
-different colors/diffrent Wsheets
-charts/pie with lable3s,percents.
-hyperlinked date
-name/absolute/relative refrences



@ 11/01/2003

new members 

name = jalal
where = tehran
replyemail = jalal_ataei@hotmail.com
userid = weblogger

name = majid navaei
where = tehran
replyemail = mjnavaei@hotmail.com
userid = weblogger

name = Aghaei
where = Tehran
replyemail = a_senator7214@yahoo
userid = weblogger



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