
@ 2/22/2004

Teachers info 

Davar Azarmi



Methods GET and POST in HTML forms - what's the difference?  

In HTML, one can specify two different submission methods for a form. The method is specified inside a FORM element, using the METHOD attribute. The difference between METHOD="GET" (the default) and METHOD="POST" is primarily defined in terms of form data encoding. The official recommendations say that "GET" should be used if and only if the form processing is idempotent, which typically means a pure query form. Generally it is advisable to do so. There are, however, problems related to long URLs and non-ASCII character repertoires which can make it necessary to use "POST" even for idempotent processing.

more here



All Port Numbers 




what is DNS? 

Definition: The DNS translates Internet domain and host names to IP addresses. DNS implements a distributed database to store name and address information for all public hosts on the Net. DNS assumes IP addresses do not change (i.e., are statically assigned rather than dynamically assigned).




رقیب قدیمی یاهو 




What is CGI 

(Common Gateway Interface) -- A set of rules that describe how a Web Server communicates with another piece of software on the same machine, and how the other piece of software (the 'CGI program') talks to the web server. Any piece of software can be a CGI program if it handles input and output according to the CGI standard. Usually a CGI program is a small program that takes data from a web server and does something with it, like putting the content of a form into an e-mail message, or turning the data into a database query. CGI "scripts" are just scripts which use CGI. CGI is often confused with Perl, which is a programming language, while CGI is an interface to the server from a particular program. Perl is an application of CGI, as well as MIVA, Python, PHP3, and other scripting languages. See Also: cgi-bin , Web





A form is an area that can contain form elements.

Form elements are elements that allow the user to enter information (like text fields, textarea fields, drop-down menus, radio buttons, checkboxes, etc.) in a form.

A form is defined with the form tag.

The most used form tag is the tag. The type of input is specified with the type attribute. The most commonly used input types are explained below.

Text Fields
Text fields are used when you want the user to type letters, numbers, etc. in a form




4 Glossary 




What is STDOUT? 

Definition: Unix commands send information to the user via standard output. By default, standard output is the terminal or screen. Standard output can be redirected (saved in a file instead of printed on the screen) or piped (used as the standard input of another command).

Only output that arises from the normal operating of a Unix command is sent to standard output. Error messages are sent to standard error.

Standard output is often abbreviated as stdout.



@ 2/17/2004

In our HTML tutorial you will learn how to use HTML to create your own Web site.

HTML is very easy to learn!




Learn HTML in farsi 




Disney online 




What is IMAP? 

IMAP stands for Internet Message Access Protocol. It is a method of accessing electronic mail or bulletin board messages that are kept on a (possibly shared) mail server. In other words, it permits a "client" email program to access remote message stores as if they were local. For example, email stored on an IMAP server can be manipulated from a desktop computer at home, a workstation at the office, and a notebook computer while traveling, without the need to transfer messages or files back and forth between these computers.

More here



The Internet Engineering Task Force 



@ 2/15/2004

First session finished! 

hello every body,what are doing ?
our HTML ,DHTML AND JAVA SCRIPT class held today ,
we should do something for next session like:
1-search to find some information about the concept of " META " in HTML.
2-answer the questions of unit 1.
3-trying to write some documents and then runing them in IE.



@ 2/07/2004

كلاس‌هاي رفع اشكال 

يكي از بهترين چيزهايي كه فكر نمي‌كنم هيچ كلاسي از Aptech‌اون رو داشته باشه اين كلاس خوب رفع اشكال و تمريني هست كه به همت پيمان برگزار مي‌شه واقعا خيلي خوشحالم كه اين حركت هدفمند شروع شده اميدوارم با همين كيفيت ادامه و گسترش پيدا كنه (و البته بد هم نيست كه قبل از شروع شدنش توي وب‌لاگ يك پستي زده بشه مبني بر اين‌كه آقا جان كلاس داريم و يا به mailing list‌كه فكر مي‌كنم ابزار مناسب‌تري برا اين جور اطلاع رساني‌ ها هست خبر داده بشه (مثلا من خودم اگر نمي‌اومدم جلسه‌قبل رو نه مي‌دونستم كه كلاسي هست ، بوده و يا احتمالا خواهد بود يه مقدار IT بازي به كسي ضرر نمي‌زنه))
سود دهي اين‌ پست كردن اين خبر از پست كردن يك شعر، اين كه من هك شدم،و يا يك جوك براي همه بيشتره :)) (نويد به خودش نگبيره كلي گفتم



يك طرفه به قاضي رفتن و پيامدهاي آن در يك گروه  

سلام به همه‌ي بچه‌ها:
امروز يك مساله‌ي كوچك پيش آمده كه فكر مي‌كنم يك توضيح و چند تا تذكر براش كافي باشه...
همينجا اعلام مي‌كنم كه من به هيچ هنوان حتي يك خط به كسي كمك نكرده‌ام براي نوشتن پروژه‌ي برنامه‌ي C (همان منوي كذليي)
تذكر شماره‌ي 1) بهتره قبل از اينكه از چيزي مطمئن نشديد تصميمي نگيريد و حرفي نزنيد و در كل يك طرفه به قاضي نريد (كاري كه كمتر ايراني‌ةا مي‌كنند)
تذكر شماره‌ي 2) هركسي مسووليت پروژه‌ي خودش رو داره و لزوما از قوانين (عرف) يك گروه پيروي نمي‌كند (اگر چه من پيروي مي‌كنم و لي دليلي نداره كه يه نفر برنامه‌اي رو كه خودش تهيه كرده بهش بگيم كه اين كار رو باهاش بكن و اين كار رو باهاش نكن فقط مي‌ٱونيم پيشنهاد بدهيم انجام دادن يا ندادنش به خود شخص ربط داره و نه به هيچ‌كس ديگه)«البته من خودم با حرف پيمان موافقم چون رعايت يكسري چيرهاي عادي باعث مي‌شه كه گروه ما هميشه بالاتر از ديگران باشه اما اين رو گفتم كه بدونيد كسي براي كس ديگه‌اي نمي‌ٱونه تكليف معين كنه »
تذكر شماره‌ي 3)فكر مي‌كنم كه تمام اون كسايي كه فكر كردند كه من توي اين پروژه به محمد كمكي كرده‌ام يك معذرت خواهخي ساده از محمد بايد بكنند (درسته يكم سخت‌تر از از رو شكم حرف زدنه ولي بهتره اين كار رو بكنيد(البته اين هم پيشنهادهست چون توي اين قضيه من نه سودي ميَ‌كنم و نه ضرري فقط چون يك مقداري رك هستم همين‌جا مي‌>ويسم كه بعدا هركسي خواست به عنوان سند باهاش لوبيا بخوره))
خوش باشيد



@ 2/05/2004

Make Up Class On saturday 

سلام.شنبه كلاس داريم با آقاي محلاتي.



@ 2/01/2004

A short history of the PostgreSQL Global Development Group 

The PostgreSQL Global Development Group is a community of companies and people co-operating to drive the development of PostgreSQL, the worlds most advanced Open Source database software.




Exploring for This trojen 

Magic 5 More Here
Alos See this one



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