
@ 6/30/2003

We will present weblog & pm4ever.com to you in Markaz mohasebat At 9 o clock we met Ms pnahi & she let us to go & work with 3 PC in MArkaz i think this is good for those that Couldent join the weblog Members!

PS : I am gona wrting rules of Post it will be finished less than a week



@ 6/28/2003

بسمه تعالي
حضور رياست محترم مركز محاسبات دانشگاه صنعتي شريف
جناب آقاي دكتر تابش
با سلام
احتراما به عرض مي‌رساند كه ما دانشجو يان گروه 6 IT مي‌باشيم كه كلاسهايمان در ساعت 8 صبح برگزار مي گردد .
همانطور كه مستحضر هستيد اين كلاس‌ها دركارگاه مكانيك خودروآن دانشگاه در جايي‌كه اصلا فضاي مناسبي براي برگزاري چنين كلاسهايي نمي‌باشد با مشكلات فراوان تشكيل مي‌گردد .
از جمله آن مشكلات مي‌توان به :
_ فضاي نامناسب كلاس
_ واقع بودن كلاس‌ها در داخل گارگاه و وجود سرو صداي زياد كه حتي مانع شنيده شدن صداها در كلاس مي‌شود .
_ گرماي شديد محيط به خصوص با نزديك شدن به فصل تابستان .
و غيره اشاره كرد .
همچنين در تاريخ حادثه‌اي ناگوار براي يكي از همكلاسي‌هاي ما ( دانشجويان شما ) اتفاق افتادكه باعث نگراني شديد ديگر دانشجويان گرديد .
حادثه به اين طريق بودكه صند لي فلزي يكي ازدانشجويان به نام آقاي اميرحسين ضيايي با پريز بدون محافظ‌برق اتصال پيدا كردكه باعث ايجاد جرقه اي مهيب گرديد و ايشان تا چند لحظه در حالت شك به سر مي برد .
در پي اين حادثه نظم كلاس به هم خورد و دانشجويان به نشانه اعتراض كلاس را ترك كردند .
البته خوشبختانه و به لطف پروردگار مشكل جدي براي ايشان پيش نيامد اما اين حادثه مي توانست
عواقب ناگواري در پي داشته باشد .
با اتفاقي كه افتاد ديگر هيچ يك از دانشجويان احساس امنيت نمي‌كنند . حال خداي ناكرده اگر براي آقاي ضيايي مشكل خاصي پيش مي‌آمد چه‌كسي جواب‌گو مي‌بود ؟
ضمنا اين‌گونه مشكلات و مشكلات ديگر به عنوان مثال : نحوه برخورد ناشايست كادر حراست دانشگاه با دانشجويان باعث دلسردي دانشجويان مي‌گردد و اين در حالي است كه فلسفه وجودي دانشگاه چيز ديگري مي‌باشد .
لذا ما دانشجويان گروه 6 IT با اعلام اعتراض شديد نسبت به اين واقعه و اين‌گونه مشكلات كه مسؤوليت مستقيم آن بر عهده دانشگاه مي‌باشد و با توجه به امكان تكرار مجدد اين حادثه در آن
مكان خطرناك از شما مرجع محترم خواستاريم با لطفي كه نسبت به دانشجويان و در واقع فرزندان خود داريد نسبت به برقراري حداقل حقوق اين دانشجويان و رفع هر چه سريعتر مشكلات اقدامات لازم را مبذول فرماييد زيرا ما دانشجويان ديگر قادر به ادامه تحصيل در چنين وضعيت نامناسبي
نمي‌باشيم .
همچنين اميدواريم مساعدت فرموده تا مكان مناسبي در شان دانشجو و نام دانشگاه شريف در اختيار مان قرار گيرد .

با تشکر فراوان

رونوشت :
_ رياست محترم مرکز محاسبات دانشگاه صنعتي شريف .
_ رياست محترم سازمان گسترش انفورماتيک .
_ مرکز زبان دانشگاه شريف .



@ 6/22/2003

Hi Dear all
mag mag i am agree with you but i think you are runing for nothing just stay
for other people to rich us 7 then we can decide to be bigger than now it is
soon 4 doing many things or everythings
for example...first you must show me you can join to weblog then you can say
somthing about be bigger than now :)
say 7 act and act 7 say both of them is need
good luck
Quoting amir sayadi zadeh :

> az i told before & our teacher told us i think if we orgnize a cultural
> group that it would be so good .
> it can be so useful for all of us. i saw it in other universities , & az
> u know the SHARIF has the same az these groups . & we have a big
> difference that one of our goals are ENGLISH + our lessons .
> we can do many things
> i think .
> ok
> i want u 2 dear sirs to help each other & use ur experiences 4 do this
> .
> tanx a lot before & i know u r busy . i`m waiting to hearing from u .
> have a nice call off week .
> good luck sirs & bye
> mag mag



@ 6/17/2003

About Aptech 

Aptech has consistently striven to provide its students with the best and the latest in course curriculum and delivery methodology to enable them to reach the pinnacle of success. At Aptech, it is our continuous endeavor that our students occupy the most coveted seats in the IT industry.

The opportunities are immense. A NASSCOM survey estimated a 24.4 per cent growth in employment in the Indian IT industry for the year 2002-03. Additionally the opportunities that have been thrown up due to the growth of the BPO industry and the Multimedia industry have made a career in these areas very promising for our students. Like every year, this year too we have come up with career courses after conducting industry surveys and taking feedback from existing and prospective employers of our students. When you are studying either at Aptech, Arena, Asset or SSI, you will always be assured of the latest in technology and educational pedagogy.

You, as a student at any of the Aptech’s 2449 centres in 52 countries, stand on the threshold of a fulfilling career in IT, and are perfectly poised to be the leader in your chosen profession. From all of us at Aptech we wish you all the best for your stay in Aptech and life beyond.




inke ma ki hastim,az koja hastim,che kareiim va ya che hadaf haii darim ,chizi nist ke goftanesh asoon bashe,chon ma ham mesle baghieye adamaye 2nya darim roye in kore zendegi mikonim va baraye edamash be behtarin vajh ,shayad,ye rahesh in bashe ke hadeaghal ,oloom va san ate rooz ro yad begirim va dar zendegimoon ham be kareshoon begirim.be hamin dalil tasmim gereftim biyaiim va ozvi az goroohe bozorg va jahanie APTECH bashim va az in tarigh be ENGHELABIYOON bepeivandim,"akhe shenidim migan IT ye enghelabe vasi va gostardas to 2nya".
be har hal ,khoob ya bad,dir ya zood ,omadimo ,ozv shodimo dar nahayat shodim zir majmoeye kochiki az majmoeye marjaye APTECH.ma gooroohe kochiki nistim,vali ey ziyadam bozorg nistim,hodoodan 26 nafarim ke hamegi yek hadafe moshtarak darim va on yadgiriye IT ist,va hamin vajhe eshterak sabab shod ke 2re ham + beshim va tashkile in gorooh ro bedim "ITSTUDENTS".
ta hala ham faaliyat haii dashtim ,masalan:ye sait dorost kardim (albate dorost kardand,zahmatesh ba aghaye mahalati boode)ye weblog sakhtim(mojaddadan sakhtand ,va inbar jenebe aghakhani zahmatesho keshidan)va karhaye dige ke to barname darim,va intori shod ke varede 2nyaye bozorge INTERNET shodim .
ahdafemoon ham az rah andazie mavarede mazkoor chizi nabood joz ERTEBATE bishtar va asantar ba 2nya va TABLIGHAT KARDAN va AGAHI DADAN raje be goroohemoon va faaliyat haye goroohemoon.
ma dar hale hazer dar daneshghahe sanati sharif vaghe dar yeki az shooloogh tarin khiyaboon haye shahre tehran mashghoole dars khondan hastim ,har chand halo rooze khobi nadarim va az koochektarin emkanat ham mahroom hastim ,vali khob mishe goft dige adat kardim.


khob ,hala az mastere azizemoom va baghieye bacheha mikham nazareshoono began,choon moshakhas nakarde boodim che sabke neveshtari ro dar nazar darim,man hamin sabko, yani amiyane va kheili khode mooni ro entekhab kardam,vali agar ye matne kheili rasmi mikhahid,hatman begid ta jaygozine in konam.
harfe digeii nist & khodafes



telesm shekast 

belakhare tonestam join besham,jada re az komakhaye jenab aghakhani tashakor konam,vaghean mofid bood,masteremoon ham bebakhshe age englisi dar farsi shod.



thank Lord & than Mazdak that I finally joined  

faghat title dasht, hamin.
teacher, I'm so sorry for pinglish !! but it is deserved !



@ 6/16/2003

Important task from Our Teacher 

Dear All,
Good morning. Hope u all doing fine.

I know u hate me for I don't let u rest.but bekhoda it's all 4 yr own sake.u can write about this subjects:
1. who we r ?
2. wat we do?
3.how we started this website and so on....
4. our subject study?
5. our contacts?

by the way, i need some of u especially those who like to put some time and do a serios job to write down the about us of our website ( first in Farsi later we will translate it) so pls do a quick job by tommorrow tueday and let me c yr job.

pls be quick.

good luck



@ 6/15/2003

Dear teacher i am ready to join you




i will meet mis. Panahi to get some info for Aptech & i will post them to the weblog




Hi dear all
i know some of you couldent use the weblog ok now iam trying to explain more
with quaqe help

it is abit dificalt to expalin lol but i ll try my best if you don't undrestand
please ask & ask till you found your answer ok?

now i am gonna explain....

step by step

1) chek your e-mail i mean inbox
2) in your mail box you can find an e-mail with this title :"Blogger blog
invitation from Mazdak A.M"

3)open this e-mail
4)the content of invitision mail is somthing like that:
"Mazdak A.M wrote:
Hi dear aptech students this is mazdak & i invite you to join us for blogging!
You have been invited by Mazdak A.M to join a blog called APTECH.

Blogger is a service for easily communicating and sharing ideas on the web.


1. Please follow the link below. If you do not follow this link, you will not be
able to logon to the correct blog.


Note: If this link wraps in your email (not all of it is on one line) copy and
paste the entire link into your browser's location bar. Be sure to include
characters that may have wrapped to the next line.

2. If you already have a Blogger account, you can accept or decline joining this

3. If you do not have a Blogger account, just enter a username and password to
sign in."

5) you should click that link exist in your e-mail
6) after click you will go to the login page you see
Join a Blog.
You have been invited to contribute to the following blog:
This will contain news of Aptech ( course of information technology) in sharif
university of technology.

Accept the Invitation?
Yes No


Password (Forgot your password?)

Not a Blogger User?
To join this blog, you'll need to create an account.

7)click "create an account" to go to sign up page
in this page you will see

Create an Account
Note: All fields are required.


First Name

Last Name

Email Address


you should fill in the blanks & choose username & password & input your name &
family & verify your password
try to choose username with dijits & charachter for example
mazdak1981 somthing like that becouse blogger is somthing like yahoo & all user
names were aleardy taken by another iranian prson!

if you see this message "Sorry, that username is taken. Please try another"
you should try another user name
after that click sign up buton
8) after that you will be a member of blogger
9) now close your pages
10) go to this link http://www.blogger.com
this is the home page of blogger & eche time youwant to login you should go to
this paghe first & then login
11) input your username & password
12) if everything is ok you must see in he right side of page "Aptech"
with aa welcome meesage
13) after that click on aptech to go to control page
14) you can see a text box with title
& text area for writhing
15) if you want right somthing
write your messages & when you finished it click "post & publish" button
16) if you wanna see out put page go to this link or type it to the address bar
in your internet browser http://itsharif.blogspot.com



How many peo ple are online 

this tools is for alerting us to find that how many people are online it is good for weblog if this weblog iwill active



@ 6/13/2003

Last rpoet & changes 

listen my dear friends
this is youe weblog an inviroment to say anything & link to cool sits & scripting & writhing you can post everything to this blog but at first you should verify that invition mail from me & choos username & pasword like yahoo.com

choose a username that is not use by another one it is not important your post will be aauto maticly psot & publish with this powerfull
You are IT students so You should do it!
i tried my best realy my best to dseighn & creat this
this weblog has power full tools 2
1) commenting system : when you post somthing other people can post thier comments tou yor post in this case they dont need to be a member or verifying
2) bloglet : if you inser your e-mail to this box every post will be aoutomaticly mail to you so it didnt need to come & see this blog & it is notification for you
3)i am online or not: this is a simple java for yahoo messenger that can show if you are on line with your ymsg or not & show it in to weblog maybe some one wants to chat with you!
if you want just mail me your y! ID
4)voting system
this system is for voting sometimes we need think & talking about somthing & finaly we want to vot(raygiri)this tools help us to see other people openion with garafical fig
5)date : in top to left i put a shamsi calender it works correctly & show you curent date
6)Time : in top to left below the date is time in tehran i set it to GMT+3:30 it is right for tehran & show you the right Time
7)coner: this tools show you the number of visitors of weblog today 7 yester day
8) nedstate : This is for detailes of visitirs like
IP address
what is refrence
percent of visitors compare to the other dayes with garfical fig
9)Top button: when you want to go to top of page You can use it
10) archves : all of our posts will be archve & never they delete
& you can explore them by month to month
11) Mailing list As you know my friend Peyman set up a mailing list & so i refence the contact mail to ITsudents@pm4ever.com

Thanks Tou your care & Time



@ 6/12/2003

Yahoo messenger! 

Hi all

i am trying to learn the Specialist reading it is so hard and you know i
promised , may God bless me ! i was good boy. ok let me i say some thing , i
added my yahoo ! messenger some Ids of the student , you know some of our
student like me are weak you can help us . Yahoo ! messenger is one way that
you can help and you can take aid , do you know why ? for instance i study
one unit and mabye i get to the problem i will come to chat , mabye there
is one student or more i can ask my problem and consult with him/her .
perhaps you don't have yahoo email . plz open and if you have plz give it
to the all the calss for add you if you want. if you don't want, no one
threaten you. ok i will give you my yahoo Id and some of our classmate and
if you want you can add ,
(my dear teacher plz give us your yahoo id , we need to need you )

i promise no one will never die if consult and if send email , plz don't

1) webloger Y! and wblogger Y! is for Mr.mazdak
2) amirs59 Y! is amir sayadi zadeh
3) pm_4ever Y! is for Mr. peyman
4) darvishe_handsome Y! is for me

let me say some thing
In africa gazells wake up in the morning , (runing or will die)
Also the lion wake up ( must outrun to slowest gazel or will die of hunger)
So if your lesson are hard when you wake up tomorrow morning (start runing
or if you won't runnig, our teacher outrun to you and you will die )

bye bye

what is your idea ?



Today e-mails 

Especail Attention: Payman, Mazdak, Amir Sayadi

Dear all ,

Hi this is the teacher.
An Idea came 2 my mind now that we can have a data base for our class to include movies and intersting videos and softwares for our class.
2 begin this: I am looking for the new matrix reloaded, if any1 has it let me know.

again I want u all to have more closer cooperation.
This sat. i want peyman, Mazdak. and Amir and Mohamamd or if any1 with good ideas to talk about this subject so get yrself prepared 4 this.

Good luck All



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