
@ 7/30/2003

Quotable Quotes 

Befor u can win,u have to believe u r worthy.
Status symbols are poor excuses for values.
Peace has no borders.



LCD monitors 

Hi all.This is a article about LCD monitors,hope u like it.
When it comes to monitors,Slimmer is better.That's Why lean LCD (liquid-crystal diaplay) monitors are becoming so popular.
Beyond their slender size, LCD monitors have a number of other advantages.As compared to CRT (cathode-ray tube) monitors,LCDs produce very little heat and devour less power.They produce sharper images with no flicker,thus reducing eyestrain.By nature of their construction,LCDs are more environmentally frienfly than CTRs,which are banned from landfills because they contain hazardous substances,such as mercury,phosphorous,lead,barium,and cadmium.
There's also evidence that LCD last a lot longer than CTR displays.That helps negate the more expensive price tags that adron LCD monitors;an average 17-inch LCD might cost between $400 and $800 ,while a typical CTR may go for anywhere from $100 to $200.

Liquid Crystals Do The Twist:
The Liquid crystals in your monitor are squeezed between two layers of polarized glass,which act as filters.Both layers are etched with lines-one layer has horizontal lines and the other has vertical lines.Without an electrical charge ,light passes through the frist glass layer at the angle dictated the etched glass dictates and then through the deactivated liquid crystals.It then halts at the second glass layer.With an electrical charge,however,the crystals twist and form a pathway for light between the frist and second glass layers.

"From young computer magazine"



@ 7/24/2003

there are several error in this blog  

i am sorry for that but i havent enugh time for fix it



These People didnt join us yet! What can i do for them? 



More detaiels 


As some of you were upset that u were not informed of 1st English picnic,
here is the 2nd one

friday afternoon , 5 p.m. Darband mountains


1. Picnic wil be in english

2. No joke , if u don't like to listen or speak in english then don't join

3. only for those who want to listen or speak english as much as possible

4. contact me or Amir to annonce your coming.

5. It'l be very helpful for yr real Englsih

6. carry anything u like to eat and (for me too, kidding)

so if u don't wanna miss it , hurry up then.

good luck




@ 7/22/2003

تبديل فيانگيليشي به فارسي 

اينکه ما کی هستيم،از کجا هستيم،چه kareiim و يا چه هدف هايی داريم ،چيزی نيست که goftanesh آسون باشه،چون ما هم مثل baghieye آدمهای 2nya داريم روی اين kore زندگی ميکنيم و برای ادامه اش به بهترين وجه ،شايد،يه راهش اين باشه که حداقل ،oloom و سان ate روز رو ياد بگيريم و در zendegimoon هم به kareshoon بگيريم.به همين دليل تصميم گرفتيم biyaiim و عضوی از گروه بزرگ و jahanie APTECH باشيم و از اين طريق به ENGHELABIYOON bepeivandim،\"آخه شنيديم ميگن IT يه انقلاب vasi و gostardas تو 2nya\".
به هر حال ،خوب يا بد،دير يا زود ،omadimo ،عضو shodimo در نهايت شديم زير majmoeye kochiki از majmoeye marjaye APTECH.ما gooroohe kochiki نيستيم،ولی ای ziyadam بزرگ نيستيم،hodoodan ۲۶ nafarim که همگی يک هدف مشترک داريم و اون yadgiriye IT ايست،و همين وجه اشتراک sabab شد که 2re هم + بشيم و tashkile اين گروه رو بديم \"ITSTUDENTS\".
تا حالا هم فعاليت هايی داشتم ،مثلا:يه سايت درست کرديم (البته درست کردند،zahmatesh با آقای mahalati بوده)يه وبلاگ sakhtim(مجدداً ساختند ،و اين بار jenebe aghakhani zahmatesho کشيدن)و کارهای ديگه که تو برنامه داريم،و اينطوری شد که وارد 2nyaye بزرگِ اينترنت شديم .
ahdafemoon هم از راه andazie موارد mazkoor چيزی نبود جز ارتباط بيشتر و آسانتر با 2nya و تبليغات کردن و آگهی دادن راجع به goroohemoon و فعاليت های goroohemoon.
ما در حال حاضر در دانشگاه sanati شريف واقع در يکی از shooloogh ترين khiyaboon های شهر تهران مشغولِ درس khondan هستيم ،هر چند حال و روز خوبی نداريم و از کوچکترين امکانات هم محروم هستيم ،ولی خوب ميشه گفت ديگه عادت کرديم.

\"تموم شد\"

خوب ،حالا از mastere azizemoom و baghieye بچه ها ميخوام nazareshoono بگن،چون مشخص نکرده بوديم چه sabke neveshtari رو در نظر داريم،من همين sabko، يعنی amiyane و خيلی خود mooni رو انتخاب کردم،ولی اگر يه متن خيلی رسمی ميخواهيد،حتما بگيد تا jaygozine اين کنم.
حرف digeii نيست & khodafes
\"ديگه جدی تموم شد\"



fingilish convertor great & work true spesial for fatemeh khodaee :) 

fingilish convertor it is good tool for that people have problem with typing frasi :) liike fatemeh khodaee

# posted by who @ 9:44 PM



@ 7/21/2003


My commitment increase my level of energy.
My energy increase my level of action.
My action increase my level of success.
My success increase my level of commitment.

# posted by Anonymous @ 3:09 AM



Date of the exam! 

Hi all.hope y ok.
the test is going to be this tuesday.(31/4/82). it was not on saturday.
# posted by Anonymous @ 3:05 AM



@ 7/19/2003

*** Att. We don't have class on this sunday = maa ien yekshanbe (82/04/29) class nadarim 

# posted by Peyman @ 8:40 PM



@ 7/16/2003


براي ديدن وبلاگ هاي فارسي در blogspot و persianblog با توجه به فيلترگذاري هاي بوجود آمده مي توانيد از طريق : http://www.space.net.au/~thomas/quickbrowse.html وارد وبلاگ مورد نظر بشويد و بدون هيچ مشكلي وبلاگ ها را مطالعه نمايد
# posted by who @ 8:53 AM



Yes I realize the irony of having an "email not working" post being sent out through email last Saturday. And emails were doing fine this weekend. However, this period of calm has been upset once again, and many Blogger users are seeing the following error:

[answer: faultStringjava.lang.Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/pyra/blogger/LoggerfaultCode0] xmlRPC(4)

This sounds like an error on Blogger's side; I'll do some more research into the issue and post here once I learn more.

# posted by who @ 8:52 AM



@ 7/12/2003

just testing 2 c if the weblog is down or not  

# posted by Peyman @ 10:27 PM



@ 7/08/2003

I'm puzzled ! 

Hi , really I'm puzzled with this problem, & finally I didn't undrestant that , if we should come to class or not .
and something more immportant :
**** The Mailing-list is down because of some problems ******
I'm doing my best to solve them and after that we will have a more powerful and better managed Mailing-List.
take care

# posted by Peyman @ 11:10 PM



Dear all,
hi, hope u ok.
look if i am gonna be there on wed. for class, it will start from 8:30 not 8:00.
sp pls let others know it in any way u c ok.
be good kids and do yr home works

still no one found the IQ boy to get the prize.

good luck

# posted by who @ 7:00 AM



@ 7/04/2003

What is a weblog?

A weblog (sometimes called a blog or a newspage or a filter) is a webpage where a weblogger (sometimes called a blogger, or a pre-surfer) 'logs' all the other webpages she finds interesting.
The format is normally to add the newest entry at the top of the page, so that repeat visitors can catch up by simply reading down the page until they reach a link they saw on their last visit.

(This causes some minor, unavoidable confusions when the logger comments on an earlier link that the visitor hasn't reached yet.)

# posted by who @ 9:25 PM




Tomorrow Is holiday becouse of "Konkoor" :)
# posted by who @ 9:18 PM




I hope that all of u be ok .
this is the third report of cd bank .

az u know we had a meeting on sunday about the rules of cd bank & edwe
accept some rules . we r writing the rules with its last editation & will
publish in a winking ( as soon as possible .)

on tuesday some of our kids ( spacially ladies )b promised me to send their
cd`s list on my e-mail but unfortunately i haven`t any mail from them yet .
i`m waiting hearing from them ( please do it A.S.A.P ) .




i`m thankful of them for their helpful rules , & believe that these 2 were
the first person that helped me & mrs taheri on this way .

And their gifts will be taken them .

good luck all of u .

mag mag

# posted by who @ 9:04 AM



@ 7/03/2003


Hi Dear Amir!
hope you be Ok. as you know our weblog is for news .so you must not write those sentences. i deleted them becouse of this reson.
you are alowed to:
1) write ,edit & delete your public meesages.
2) write hot news about APTECH,class, make SUGESSTION.
# posted by who @ 5:56 PM



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