
@ 10/31/2003

Proposal for haveing better Site 

طرح پيشنهادی برای سامان بخشی به سايت كامپيوتری دپارتمان APTECH در شريف


• تضميني براي حل مشكلات شبكه و كامپيوترها

• هماهنگ بودن تصميم‌ها بر اساس نظر دانشجو - استاد

• رفع نياز عمده‌ی دانشجويان در كم‌ترين زمان ممكن

• به روز بودن و نصب نرم افزارهای مورد نياز هر ترم بر اساس تشخيص استاد و نيازهاي

• دوری از اعمال نظرهای شخصی و غير كارشناسانه

• كنترل و نظارت بيش تر به همراه گزارش های ماهانه


• شورايی بودن و تصميم‌گيری جمعی

• تبديل شدن به يك كارگاه واقعی برای دانشجويان

• حذف هزينه‌های اضافی برای پشتيبانی شبكه

• كار تيمي (Team working)

• انتخاب افراد بر اساس راي گيري دوره‌اي توسط خود دانشجويان

در اين طرح با توجه به تعداد كامپيوتر‌ها ۵ نفر پيشنهاد می‌شوند برای:

• پشتيبانی نرم‌افزاري

• پشتيباني شبكه

• مشاوره

• اجرای تصميمات اخذ شده درباره‌ي شبكه

در اين مدل نيازهاي دانشجو – استاد توسط گروه اجرايي – مشورتي بررسي شده و براي
تاييد تكنيكي به كارشناس شبكه فرستاده مي‌شود و بعد از تاييد مسوول آموزش با در نظر
گرفتن نياز اساتيد توسط تيم اجرايي اجرا مي‌شود

نحوه‌ي انتخاب تيم 5 نفره:

1. اعلام عمومي

2. كانديد مي‌شوند

3. اگر بيش از 5 نفر بودند راي گيري مي‌شود در يك جلسه

4. تيم دانشجويي تشكيل مي‌شود

تشكيل تيم دوره‌اي بوده و در پايان هر ترم بعد از گزارش دادن توسط روش بالا دوباره
انتخاب مي‌شوند.



@ 10/29/2003

Meeting With Mr. Poor Javad in APTECH DEP. 

8 people from sharif uni went to meet Mr. Poor javad
at 2:15 PM we meet him and we asked our qustions and he answered them
some qustion refered to Mr. Kar and some of them refer to Mis.Poormand
at the end of meeting we asked for sighning answeres and he told i'll but first type the answers & i'll he wrote some note in his notebook & after that we take some photo of some Documentation they do not alow us to bring them so we get some pic :))!!i try my best to type the answer as soon as posible but if you help me





با سلام حضور رييس دپارتمان APTECH ايران

جناب آقاي پورجواد:


بنابر توافق قبلي و در راستاي شفاف‌سازي و بالا بردن حس اعتماد در دانشجويان دوره‌هاي  APTECH  در ايران پرسش‌ها ونكات مطرح شده در جلسه‌ي مشتركي كه با حضور نماينده‌ي رسمي APTECH در ايران –جناب آقاي Kar- صورت گرفت و بعضي از پرسش‌ها بدون پاسخ ماند بنابر گفته‌ي شما پرسش‌ها تنظيم و مرتب شده و در اختيار شما قرار مي‌گيرد

خواهشمند است تمامي پرسش‌ها را حتي الامكان بي پاسخ نگذاريد و در پايان براي اعتبار داشتن اين برگه  آن‌را امضا كرده وقيد شود كه : اين برگه مورد تاييد

« شركت گسترش انفورماتيك » مي‌باشد.

همراه با

  1. مهر شركت گسترش انفورماتيك

  2. امضاي مدير عامل محترم سازمان

  3. امضاي رييس دپارتمان APTECH در ايران

  4. امضاي نماينده‌ي رسمي شركت APTECH در ايران

لازم به ذكر است كه نسخه‌ي انگليسي اين پرسش‌نامه در دست تهيه مي‌باشد و به نماينده‌ي رسمي APTECH  در ايران ارايه مي‌گردد.

همچنين اين نسخه به همراه نسخ‌ي انگليسي به تمامي گرو‌هاي دانشجويي حضوري و به صورت E-MAIL اعلام خواهد شد و در وب‌سايت‌هاي زير قرار خواهد گرفت







با تشكر دانشجويان دپارتمان شريف








سوال‌هاي آيين‌نامه‌اي:


ý     آيا آيين نامه ي مدون آموزشي وجود دارد؟اگر وجود دارد با چه سرفصل هايي؟ نحوه ي دسترسي به آن؟

ý     شرايط انتخاب هيئت علمي در APTECH به چه صورت است؟نحوه‌ي گزينش استاد و سنجش سواد او و آشنايي با APTECH COURCE چگونه است؟

ý     اساتيد خارجي به چه صورت و كي تدريس خواهند كرد؟

ý     چگونه مي‌توان رزومه‌ي اساتيد را مطالعه كرده و از تسهيلات و سوابق كاري آنان اطمينان حاصل كرد؟

ý     حدود اختيارات دانشگاه شريف و نماينده‌ي APTECH براي معرفي استاد، فضا و امكانات آن از طرف چه شخصيت حقوقي نظارت و تاييد مي‌شود؟ و چگونه؟

ý     امتحانات چگونه برگزار مي‌گردد؟(ONLINE/OFFLINE)

ý     چه كسي امتحانات را طراحي مي‌كند سازمان APTECH ؟ نماينده‌ي سازمان ؟ استاد هر كلاس؟

ý     چگونه نتايج امتحانات اعلام مي‌شود(چه زماني، از چه طريقي)

ý     در صورت پاس نكردن درس مورد نظر مراحل گرفتن واحد و پاس كردن آن چگونه است؟

ý     چگونه مي‌توان يك كتاب را BY PASSكرد؟

ý     كلا چند واحد/ساعت را بايد گذراند؟

ý     اگر در ميان راه كسي انصراف دهد چه CERTIFICATE  اي خواهد داشت؟

ý     در طول دوره امكان گرفتن مرخصي براي دانشجو هست يا خير؟

ý     نحوه‌ي انتقالي گرفتن به چه صورت است؟

ý     تقويم دوره شامل گانت چارت و زمانبندي نام استاد براي كل دوره چگونه است؟

ý     هزينه‌ي دوره‌ها كامل و دقيق؟

ý     اگر در ترم‌هاي بالا تعداد معدودي از دانشجويان موفق به پاس كردن دوره شوند چه تضميني وجود دارد كه كلاس براي آن‌ها برگزار شود؟ (با توجه به اين‌كه از نظر مالي به نفع شركت نخواهد بود؟)


درباره‌ي سازمان/شركت APTECH:


1.     نحوه‌ي همكاري سازمان گسترش با APTECH و سازمان گسترش با دانشگاه شريف به چه صورت است؟

2.     نام مدير عامل APTECH چيست؟شخصيت علمي و جايگاه او در نظام آموزشي هند؟

3.     52 كشوري كه APTECH در آن‌ها شعبه دارد كدام‌ها هستند و اطلاعات دقيق تكميلي را از كجا مي‌توان به دست آورد؟

4.     آيا واحدهاي گذرانده شده در تمامي نمايندگي‌هاي APTECH مورد تاييد است يا خير؟

5.     وضعيت فعلي دانشجويان و فارغ التحصيلان APTECH به چه صورت است؟

6.     نحوه‌ي برقراري ارتباط با دانشجويان قبلي APTECH؟


درباره‌ي مدرك APTECH:


  1. نام دقيق مدرك APTECH چيست؟

  2. دقيقا دوره چند ساله است و چه مدركي مي‌گيريم؟

  3. آيا تمامي اين 52 نماينده در ديگر كشورها APTECH ايران را به عنوان نماينده‌ي APTECH قبول دارند از نظر اعتبار علمي چطور؟(مثلا مي‌توان تعدادي واحد را در ايران گذراند و بعد بقيه‌ي واحد‌ها را در يكي از اين 52 كشوري كه APTECH در آن‌ها شعبه دارد گذراند؟ و بعد از اخذ مدرك APTECH مي‌توان براي ادامه‌ي تحصيل به هند و يا استراليا رفت؟)

  4. آيا واحدهاي گذرانده شده در تمامي نمايندگي‌هاي APTECH مورد تاييد است يا خير؟(يعني اگر كل مدت تحصيل را در ايران باشيم و مدرك  و موفق به اخذ مدرك APTECH شويم آيا اين مدرك مورد تاييد ديگر نمايندگي‌هاي APTECH مي‌باشد؟)

  5. در مورد ONSURE و OFFSURE بودن مدرك ACCP دقيق توضيح دهيد(تعاريف، تفاوت‌ها، مزايا و معايب)


مدارك آكادميك دانشگاه‌ها:

امكان ادامه‌ي تحصيل در دانشگا‌هاي ديگر با مدرك ACCP وجود دارد يا خير؟

شرايط ادامه‌ي تحصيل در دانشگاه هندي


شرايط ادامه‌ي تحصيل در دانشگاه استراليا و نام دانشگاه؟



وزارت عوم تحقيقات و فن آوري ايران:


 اگر بلي

o       به چه صورت(واحدي/ساعت)

o       دقيقا معادل چه سطحي(كارداني/كارشناسي)

o       به چه عنواني(مهندسي IT / علوم كامپيوتر)


o       چه دانشگاه‌هاي ديگري به جز اين 2 دانشگاه در چه كشورهايي وجود دارند كه مدرك Aptech را تاييد مي‌كنند و از طرفي وزارت علوم آن‌ها را قبول دارد؟


تعهدات و تسهيلات و امكانات:



@ 10/28/2003

What Is C++? 

----- Original Message -----
From: zanboure pashmalo
To: aptechiran@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 9:02 PM
Subject: [AptechIran] What is c++?

What Is C++?
Last updated: APR 02, 2003
C++ is a general-purpose, platform-neutral programming language that supports object-oriented programming and other useful programming paradigms, including procedural programming, object-based programming, generic programming, and functional programming.

C++ is viewed as a superset of C, and thus offers backward compatibility with this language. This reliance on C provides important benefits:

Reuse of legacy C code in new C++ programs


Platform neutrality

Relatively quick migration from C to C++

Yet it also incurs certain complexities and ailments such as manual memory management, pointers, unchecked array bounds, and a cryptic declarator syntax, as described in the following sections.

As opposed to many other programming languages, C++ doesn't have versions. Rather, it has an International ANSI/ISO Standard, ratified in 1998, that defines the core language, its standard libraries, and implementation requirements. The C++ Standard is treated as a skeleton on which vendors might add their own platform-specific extensions, mostly by means of code libraries. However, it's possible to develop large-scale applications using pure standard C++, thereby ensuring code portability and easier maintenance.




how can i use the WUSIWYG Editors 

اگر مي خواهيد كار با اديتور رو ياد بگيريد اين وب لاگ رو ببينيد



and look at this text:....
" ----- Original Message -----
From: quakecomputer
To: aptechiran@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 5:53 PM
Subject: [AptechIran] IT Studen in Sharif University

ba salam
site daneshjooyan aptech markaze daneshgahe sharif rah andazi shod
adrese in site : www.iranaptech.com



"Enterprunership and Small Business" 

hi 2 aqll,
hope u all had a nice day so far. and God accepting yr fastings.
some points to mention:
1. today after noon a good seminar on karafarini is held in sharif at 2 p.m. in jaberhaiyan hall.
2. yr excel projects : to include all item u learnt in during class with real examples: yr period of life of a month: daily activities+ expenses+ studies+ practices+ sport+ and some more fields with their relevent records+filters and charts of different forms pie, bar, columns, etc. wach showing different reports of different fields.
pls contact me for any questions, remember yr projects each includes 20 marks for final mark .

3. i'l be so happy if u join the friday picnic.

4. Buy some computs 4 Amir, he is sick and had some injections, so he can't walk wel now(LOL)

Good luck



@ 10/27/2003


i think each work or job or activity need plan & if it has so it will be develop & if it ihas not so it will die dear my friends now it is good news for us to hearing about making
websites about aptech but this is my qustions
from aptechiran.net & com & info & ...

are you thinking you are the first!!
may be you can be best but you are not first WE are the first as 6 mounths ago made
step by step
weblog & website and i think it is good for you to know we made it ourselves & a base idea of the weblog is MINE and having a website is Peyman so finished to addvertising about your websites including these lie words
"ba salam khedmate daneshjooyane aptech
site dovvome daneshjooyane aptech ba adrese www.iranaptech.net
ke bakhsh dovvome site www.iranaptech.com ast rah andazi shod.
YOu are not first never & ever & not best yet
My dear friends this is my friendly message to you:"try you'r best to be the best but do not think you are the first!"






Hi to new friends 

This form was submitted: Oct 27 2003 / 13:06:43
by a visitor with this IP Address:

name = shirin
where = Tehran
replyemail = shirin_latifi@yahoo.com

This form was submitted: Oct 27 2003 / 13:07:22
by a visitor with this IP Address:

name = Moogeh
where = Tehran
replyemail = Pearl@safineh.net

name = mohsen akbari moayed
where = tehran
replyemail = iranboy19@yahoo.com

name = shima rezaei
where = tehran
replyemail = naji13622000@yahoo.com

I or peyman will send you an invitition for joing us



"English Picnic with Eftari" 

Hi All,

this is yr teacher, Hope u all fine, and Happy Month of Ramezan, the month to restablish personality and humanities and az in chiza"
by the way: i'd like to annonce that this week friday, the sci-culture team decides to hold the 3rd English picnic.
time : 3:30 p.m.
day: friday
place: darakeh mount.
aim: English talk & walk + reinforcement of cooperations among all groups.

notice: have eftari with you as much u like.

please register in office for better organization

Good luck all



@ 10/26/2003

Contact form for new user 

for new user i insert a simple & userfriendly form they must fill in the blanks and verify their information after that i ll send them an invitation to join us

PS:tomoroow some people have a meeting and apiontment to creating or making newsletter this is my odea dear teacher as you know:

"I am not agree with some jobs like that becouse they havent any clear goals for my mind as you know each task, job , activities need goals mission & vissions and if it has so ok tell us & if it has not so try to thinking more about it"

any way i am prepairing to typeMr "kar's" answers about our general qustions about Aptech & i'll type them to the weblog



@ 10/25/2003

Some changes: 

1) i removed "About us" becouse it was not good & i'll write a good one as soon as posible
2) i removed "Comments" becouse 2 reason

--this weblof is a public & group weblog & each person who exist in the list can write for himself & it doesent need to use comments (comment system is usuall use for intractive weblogs or webpages not for this ke man toush magas miparounam!)

--anotherreason is for comment system service it was expired! so IF i decide to have comment system i must use another system

3)i add a new part for "related links" about aptech & IT it will coplete as soon as posible too!

4)add contact part becouse i think some of the people intrest to join us so they must know how they can join just send a simple e-mail to me & i will add you

Do you have any comments goooooood so try to write in weblog Move common if you think you are learning IT i dont think so!!



@ 10/22/2003

What is XML? 

XML is the Extensible Markup Language. It is designed to improve the functionality of the Web by providing more flexible and adaptable information identification.

It is called extensible because it is not a fixed format like HTML (a single, predefined markup language). Instead, XML is actually a `metalanguage' --a language for describing other languages--which lets you design your own customized markup languages for limitless different types of documents. XML can do this because it's written in SGML, the international standard metalanguage for text markup systems (ISO 8879).



@ 10/21/2003

"3 important Events in Sharif" 

Hi. All . I know my week is over but as you know you can write whenever u like to:
this week there will be three It events which i thought would be interesting for you top know.
they are:
1. Cd and software show in 2 parts of the uni.
2. Foreign books show in sharif.
3. the national seminar on Linux with diferent workshops to be held in sharif in Aban.

Hope you'd be able to attend alll of tehm.
good Luck

p.s. Javaez ro dastam bad kardand , hurry up pls.



What is RSS? 

RSS is a format for syndicating news and the content of news-like sites, including major news sites like Wired, news-oriented community sites like Slashdot, and personal weblogs. But it's not just for news. Pretty much anything that can be broken down into discrete items can be syndicated via RSS: the "recent changes" page of a wiki, a changelog of CVS checkins, even the revision history of a book. Once information about each item is in RSS format, an RSS-aware program can check the feed for changes and react to the changes in an appropriate way.




@ 10/19/2003

"The Giving Tree" 

Hi all, hope u have had a nice day so far.

I am so late in web log I know, so sorry 4 that.
ok, tonight i wanna write a story of a book one of my friends gave me, apparently the book was designed for children however, it contained a story fun and useful for all ages.

The title was: "The Giving Tree"
Here it goes:

"1nc upon a time there was a tree alone in the field outside a small village.
It had no friend to talk or to share time with and its only friend was a little boy who used to come to it frequently. He used to play with the tree, talk to it , eat its apples, go up and hang from the branches , pick up leaves and play with the tree.
the tree was always happy 2 c him and if he was 1nc late , tree felt so bad and worried , it could not tolerate his absence even a min. and the boy seemed to love him, in fact both loved each other.
time flew fast and the boy grew up fast. The boy went to city 2 study and didn't come 2 tree for long. 1 day he came to the tree, tree was so happy to c him back so it told him hey, I missed u so much where have u been and teh boy said " i was out in town to school, and now i am back". tree said now jump and go up on me , I wanna c u in my branches again.
But I can't" replied the boy. Why? asked the tree, I need some money for my school and if I can't get money then I can't go back 2 school. Tree was so upset 2 hear so and said "so sorry I have no money to help you" and they were both sad, suddenly the tree said . Oh, look u can get my apples and sell them in town then you will be happy. The boy was so happy hearing so and did so, then he went to town and sold the apples of the tree. He got the money, got happy and went back 2 school as he wished so. However, the tree was waiting for him for long but he did not come back for many years.
Now after many years the boy was back, the tree was more than happy 2 c him again, it felt so strong in heart and asked the boy to go up on it and play with it. But the boy was reluctant to do so, and looked unhappy to the tree, it asked him what was wrong with him. He stammered “I am having a family now, but I have no shelter for them so I am very desperate”. I have no shelter to give to you, said the tree. The tree was feeling miserable for him and was wondering how to help him with his problem, then started to touched him gently with its leaves and branches, and then it flashed to it , and said, look boy, you can get my branches and leaves and use them as a shelter, I wish it keeps you all happy. The boy was happy now, and jumped to cut the branches and leaves for his family. Tree was happy again having helped its old friend with another problem. so the boy went and didn’t come back for many , many years and tree was all missing him but happy in heart that its only friend is happy with him.
After ages one late evening the boy came back to him. Tree could see him older now as an old man and remembered their early years of friendship.
It opened its broken and thin branches to hug the old boy, but the boy was not happy again. What’s wrong again dear friend” now, i have no branches, leaves or apples to offer you, pls tell me what can i do for you.” Said the tree.
The boy said kept silent for an hour and then said, you know i am so tired of this life I need 2 go 2 a travel and I need a big boat. The tree was crying this time , and know what was in his mind. So it said, look boy , you can have my trunk, cut it and make yrself a big boat. And then the old boy did so, he cut the tree while tree kept silent all time suffering but silent, however, the boy did so and left him for long.
After many years…………………………………………………….

Now dear friends , its time 4 u 2 finish this story or guess the end of this story, i’m sure u can make good and thoughtful endings 2 the story.

For now it’s enough, thanks for yr care reading all this.
Good Luck



@ 10/18/2003

Windows keyboard shortcuts overview+Answer Peyman qustion is=window key + break:) 

SHIFT+DELETE-----------Delete selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin.
CTRL while dragging an item-----------Copy selected item.
CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item-----------Create shortcut to selected item.
F2-----------Rename selected item.
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW-----------Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word.
CTRL+LEFT ARROW-----------Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word.
CTRL+DOWN ARROW-----------Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph.
CTRL+UP ARROW-----------Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph.
CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys-----------Highlight a block of text.
SHIFT with any of the arrow keys-----------Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text within a document.
CTRL+A-----------Select all.
F3-----------Search for a file or folder.
ALT+ENTER-----------View properties for the selected item.
ALT+F4-----------Close the active item, or quit the active program.
ALT+Enter-----------Displays the properties of the selected object.
ALT+SPACEBAR-----------Opens the shortcut menu for the active window.
CTRL+F4-----------Close the active document in programs that allow you to have multiple documents open simultaneously.
ALT+TAB-----------Switch between open items.
ALT+ESC-----------Cycle through items in the order they were opened.
F6-----------Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop.
F4-----------Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
SHIFT+F10-----------Display the shortcut menu for the selected item.
ALT+SPACEBAR-----------Display the System menu for the active window.
CTRL+ESC-----------Display the Start menu.
ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name-----------Display the corresponding menu.
Underlined letter in a command name on an open menu-----------Carry out the corresponding command.
F10-----------Activate the menu bar in the active program.
RIGHT ARROW-----------Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu.
LEFT ARROW-----------Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu.
F5-----------Refresh the active window.
BACKSPACE-----------View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
ESC-----------Cancel the current task.
SHIFT when you insert a CD into the CD-ROM drive-----------Prevent the CD from automatically playing.
Dialog box keyboard shortcuts
CTRL+TAB-----------Move forward through tabs.
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB-----------Move backward through tabs.
TAB-----------Move forward through options.
SHIFT+TAB-----------Move backward through options.
ALT+Underlined letter-----------Carry out the corresponding command or select the corresponding option.
ENTER-----------Carry out the command for the active option or button.
SPACEBAR-----------Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box.
Arrow keys-----------Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons.
F1-----------Display Help.
F4-----------Display the items in the active list.
BACKSPACE-----------Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box.

Natural keyboard shortcuts You can use the following keyboard shortcuts with a Microsoft Natural Keyboard or any other compatible keyboard that includes the Windows logo key (windows key) and the Application key (right click key).
windows key-----------Display or hide the Start menu.
windows key +BREAK-----------Display the System Properties dialog box.
windows key +D-----------Show the desktop.
windows key +M-----------Minimize all windows.
windows key +Shift+M-----------Restores minimized windows.
windows key +E-----------Open My Computer.
windows key +F-----------Search for a file or folder.
CTRL+ windows key +F-----------Search for computers.
windows key +F1-----------Display Windows Help.
windows key + L-----------Lock your computer if you are connected to a network domain, or switch users if you are not connected to a network domain.
winows key +R-----------Open the Run dialog box.
right click key-----------Display the shortcut menu for the selected item.
windows key +U-----------Open Utility Manager.

Accessibility keyboard shortcuts
Right SHIFT for eight seconds-----------Switch FilterKeys on and off.
Left ALT +left SHIFT +PRINT SCREEN-----------Switch High Contrast on and off.
Left ALT +left SHIFT +NUM LOCK-----------Switch MouseKeys on and off.
SHIFT five times-----------Switch StickyKeys on and off.
NUM LOCK for five seconds-----------Switch ToggleKeys on and off.
windows key +U-----------Open Utility Manager.

Windows Explorer keyboard shortcuts  
END-----------Display the bottom of the active window.
HOME-----------Display the top of the active window.
NUM LOCK+ASTERISK on numeric keypad (*)-----------Display all subfolders under the selected folder.
NUM LOCK+PLUS SIGN on numeric keypad (+)-----------Display the contents of the selected folder.
NUM LOCK+MINUS SIGN on numeric keypad (-)-----------Collapse the selected folder.
LEFT ARROW-----------Collapse current selection if it's expanded, or select parent folder.
RIGHT ARROW-----------Display current selection if it's collapsed, or select first subfolder.



"A nice Movie on future World " 

Hi all,
Hope you have had a good weeknd and so far being doing fine. and hope my subjects on blog beem enough fun to catch a glimps.!!

by the way, as i was wondering wat 2 say for today i came up with the subject of last movie i saw. Can't remember the exact name. however, sth like a dream or so...

here it is:" the story sarts with a couple with 2 kids, they love eachother quite much and are in fact a very happy family, things go well untill in an accident the man dies and women gets a big blow/shock mentally in a way she tried to be away from all and everything. she was all day looking at soem unknow distance , ,looking into vaccinty. like blind people.

finally she could not take it more and commited suicide.( Part1)

Now to make it a quize again , i'd liek to ask you to complete this story and if not i'l write it to end.

the best answer to get a prize$$$$$$$$

for now thanks for yr care and attention

Good luck
c u soon



About sunday 19 oct 2003 

salam , tavajoh konid ke 1 shanbe faghat class-e khanoum-e sadr cancel shode va class-e aghaye noorizadeh bargozar mishavad, pas chi ? hamin , biayn sare class !
good luck



@ 10/16/2003

استفاده از کليدهای ميانبر مکمل استفاده از موس در کار کردن با ويندوز ميباشداز این کلیدها ميتوانیم در میز کار استارت منو جعبه هاي گفتگو و صفحه های وب استفاده کنیم .لازم بذکر است که ممکن است که
کلیدهای میانبر در صفحات مختلف رفتار متفاوت داشته باشند .
1- کلیدهای میانبر عمومی :
Ctrl + c: --------کپي
Ctrl + x:-------بریدن
Ctrl + v:---------برگرداندن از حافظه
Ctrl + z:--------------برگشت به حالت قبل
Dele:--------------پاک کردن
Shift + delete:------پاک کردن بدون قرار گرفتن در سطل آشغال
کشیدن یک ایتم +ctrl-------کپي ايتم انتخاب شده
کشیدن یک ایتم + ctrl + shift------ایجاد ميانبر براي ایتم انتخاب شده
F2------تغییر نام
Ctrl + right arrow----- برگشت به ابتدای کلمه
Ctr + left arrow------رفتن به ابتدای کلمه بعدی
Ctrl + down arrow-----رفتن به ابتدای خط بعدی
Ctrl + up -------رفتن به ابتدای خط حاضر
Ctrl + shift +arrow-------روشن کردن یک بلوک از متن
Shift + arrow-----انتخاب بيش از يک ایتم
Ctrl + A------- انتخاب همه موارد
Alt + enter-------نمایش مشخصات برای ايتم
Alt + f4-------بستن يک ایتم یا خارج شدن از آن
Alt + spacebar------باز کردن میانبر برای پنجره فعال
Ctrl + f4—بستن پرونده فعال هنگامی که چند پرونده فعال وجود دارد
Alt + tab------حرکت بین پنجره های باز
Alt + esc-------گردش بین ایتم ها در پنجره های باز
F4---نمایش منوي آدرس بار در my computer و windows explorer
Shift + f10 ------نمایش میانبر برای ایتم انتخاب شده
Alt + spacebar------نمایش منوی سیستم برای پنجره انتخاب شده
Ctrl + esc -------نمایش استارت منو
F5------بازيابی دوباره منو باز شده



@ 10/15/2003

"A typical day of my life" 

Salam All, hope yu all having high time.
Well, I know u r saying “look, teacher is not active enough in weblog, however, I am doing my bests.
This is wed. night, around midnight that I am writing this. I was wondering what 2 write about and I found many subjects, however, I thought they might not be as interesting for you I decided to write my daily diary.
Today Tuesday was some how one of the busiest days of the week, since this is the day I have 2 finish two projects of half week work assessment. Woke up 6 in morning, out cycling in early fresh air. So nice, however, if u can escape the bed. Then been to class til 10 and then office again, today there were almost 20 new registers for the website I admin. After checking some requests, I found some names ringing familiar bells to me, and Bingo! Got them , they were my own students of the other class, and I had to disapprove them all(though they will be accepted as site members).
Later around noon I was called out for a short meeting, however, the meeting was on till noon, and I just kept wondering if they would have us for lunch too. When then nice manager offered lunch 2 us and our bus refused him, I really wanted to ……., however, we politely said No thanks, we gotta go and … funny 2 know that our boss had the same idea too but felt shy 2 admit so.
Any way, back in Sharif, there was a faculty meeting for young students and as a n old teacher I was there 2(LOL).
Around 6 p.m. I was leaving home when I saw some of my friends students of sharif in bus leaving for Qom city and jamkaran, I really wished 2 go and they wanted me 2 go with them, however, I called home to say I was out the night and they were all happy hearing so!!. The road 2 high way and airport was to crowded and as I enquired it was all for ms. Shirin Ebadi, the Iranian lawyer winning Nobel peace prize so many ppl were going to welcome her. This is I believe some good news for all Iranians to have s.o. elected from Iran for peaceful activities.
By the way I like going 2 pilgrimage ‘cos I am always so tired and half asleep on the travel, so closed eyes in Tehran and opened in Qom city at 8. yr seat empty, it was a good time and very magnificent bulb and light decoration over there in Qom and jamkaran holy mosque.
Back to Tehran early morning at about 4 a.m. and i slept til 7 morning, and then again class in sharif……………….
I guess u say it was so long reading this diary, but I suggest you do the same , i.e., you can show others the way u c life, and let others c the world through yr eyes, it’d fun for others as well.
Now I am half asleep and can’t fitnih it wel……....

u have not commented on my earlier topic yet. remember, u wil get a "prize"

Ok, Good luck all
C u soon



@ 10/13/2003

"It's my Week log Now" 

Dear My students,
Hi all, hope you all doing fine,on the ocassion of auspicious month of Shaban. guess you al have had nice holiday if you had been out sightseeing the city.
however, i enjoyed that a lot, and it's a pitty it;d be a year till it backs.

By the way as my birthday was marked by Nimeh Shaban i asked to be the weblogger for this week.If u found my notes uninteresting you should forgive me for all that and if you found tehm nice, pls let em know yr comments in any waqy.

The 1st thing i am gonna write about is a lesson from wise people.

here it goes:

" Once a wise and exteremly rich man took his young son out to the village the owned and they decided to live there just for a couple of days.they spent days out in field and slept on the roof.

after two days the dad took his son to a huge garden with a long river.
then he asked teh son" ok son. tell me what did you learnt out here?"

Ok look, Now I think I can stimulate you think about the answer of this question fro a bit.
pls put your comments, the best one will get an award.

Guess it's enough for tonight digest.
Bests for u all

p.s. don't forget yr projects!!!!!!!!!!



@ 10/09/2003


Hi, all, i would like to congratulate you all on the this coming ocassion( eid milad).
pls remember to bring me your master piece projects on word.
those who were absent should call those present.
there will be no mercy on those with no project on due time, the next tuesday.
u all have nice time
Good luck



@ 10/06/2003


Hello everybody, hope everything be good, I know, all are sad and angry with these new and bad news from APTECH , as you know there is no MOJEZEH here and we should be patient till some events happen. By the way, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE, maybe....
Ok that's enough for preface, Now about this article .this is a useful text about MPEG,if you remember from last term we had a reading about it, so I think never hurts if we learn more! Finally I copy it and hope u like it.
Dear teacher and friends before read it; I have to say that this text is from here. به قول معروف:for more information click here.)

1-MPEG in general 2-TMPGEnc in General 3-Video-CD issue 4- Others

[1]MPEG in general

What is MPEG?
MPEG is a movie format which is defined by MPEG(Moving Picture Experts Group) of ISO. This format consist of "video", "audio" and "video - audio mixed".

What type of MPEG stream is available?
MPEG-Video stream This is video part stream. The file extension would be m1v, m2v, mpv, vbs etc.
MPEG-Audio stream This is audio part stream. The file extension would be mp1, mp2, mp3, mpa, abs etc.
MPEG-System stream This is multiplex of MPEG-Video stream and MPEG-Audio stream in one stream. The file extension is mpg, m2p etc.

What is I picture P, B picture?
I picture This is independent picture which completes compression inside frame. The frame data can be played independently.
P picture This refers to previous I, P picture to extract difference, then compressed The compression is higher than I picture.
B picture This refers to both previous and next I, P picture to extract difference, then compressed The compression is higher than P picture.

What is bitrate?
Bitrate means the number of bit which go through the stream per 1 sec. Stream means the MPEG file.
Generally, compression is described by bitrate in MPEG. The higher bitrate, the higher quality and lower compression, larger file size.
If the bitrate is same at any part on a single stream, it is called as CBR (Constant Bit Rate). Although MPEG is usually encoded in CBR, TMPGEnc is supporting both CBR and VBR(Variable Bit Rate). In VBR, the bitrate can be different depends on the part of stream.

Why is actual bitrate 2.4% higher than selected bitrate?
TMPGEnc regards 1Kbits as 1024bits 2.4% higher than the case 1Kbits = 1000bits.

How can we calculate the actual size of MPEG file which will be crated?
If you choose CBR, The following equation can be used to calculate. "2048/2018" stands for bitrate of system stream.

Filesize (Kb) = (Video+Audio) x (2048/2018) x sec/8

E.g. Video is 1150Kbps, audio is 224Kbps, 15 sec MPEG file would be "(1150+224) x (2048/2018) x 15/8" = 2614KB

The edge of MPEG file I have made is something wrong.
Set the size of window (both vertical and horizontal length of window) by multiple of 16.

An error occurred when playing MPEG file I have made.
If you playing an MPEG file whose windows size is large with Windows Media Player, an error occurred.
We have verified that most PC can play MPEG1 file which is smaller than 720x480 properly.

Can not play MPEG-2 file I have made.
MPEG-2 file can not be played only by Windows. You need to install a DVD software such as WinDVD, PowerDVD, then you can play MPEG-2 file with Windows Media Player.

MPEG movie is not shown properly at full screen.
Here is recommended aspect ratio for each size of movie.
Size recommended aspect ratio
320x240 1:1 (VGA)
352x240 (Video-CD) 4:3 NTSC
640x480 1:1 (VGA)
720x480 (DV, DVD) 4:3 NTSC
None of the above Try 1:1 (VGA) first.

It takes more time than I expected, to seek MPEG file to display.
MPEG-2 file can not be played only by Windows. You need to install a DVD software such as WinDVD or PowerDVD, then Windows Media Player can play MPEG-2 file.

Can we use MPEG-Audio Layer3(MP3) for audio part?
TMPGEnc does not include MP3 encoder. You can use external encoder such as SCMPX, or you can create MP3 file for TMPG's audio source.
As far as I know, a MPEG file whose audio is MP3 can be played only by Xing MPEG Player.

I have separate m1v file and mp2 file. Can I put them into a MPEG file?
Go to "file menu" > "MPEG tool" to merge m1v file and mp2 file.

How can we convert MPEG file into AVI file?
MediaStudio 5.2 seems to be capable to convert, updater for 5.0 is available.

Can we cut / paste MPEG file?
Go to file menu > "MPEG tool" to merge MPEG files into a MPEG file. You can also cut MPEG file there.
However, according to MPEG structure, MPEG file is not always cut by frame, some time edited by GOP.

How can we cut / paste MPEG file by frame?
You need MediaStudio 5.2 to do this.

When I tried to merge MPEG files with "MPEG tool", an error occurred that it is not compatible. How is TMPGEnc verifying compatibility of MPEG files?
The following parameter is verified.
Video parameter Condition
Windows size must be same to be compatible
Frame rate must be same to be compatible
Aspect ratio must be same to be compatible
Bitrate If bitrate is different, it will be outputted as VBR.
VBV buffer size The most largest VBV buffer size among merged MPEG files will be outputted.

Audio Parameter Condition
Sampling frequency must be same to be compatible
Cannel mode must be same to be compatible
Bitrate must be same to be compatible

[2] TMPGEnc in General

TMPGEnc seems to be slow to encode.
The quality of movie has much higher priority than encoding time on TMPGEnc. Also, MMX is not fully supported yet.
MMX, SSE full support will be done in the near future.

Is there any clue for compression time?
If you have Single CPU + MMXenabled + 352 x 240, the following equation.
(2800/,b,o,t speed(MHz) x source length(sec) = brief encoding time
If you are using filter, it will be more slower.

Is MMX supported?
Yes. 3D Now! and SSE are also supported.

Is dual-CPU supported?
Currently, dual-CPU is supported for filtering and part of MPEG encoding.

Encoding is aborted with stream writing error.
Either temporal HDD or target HDD for MPEG out put is too small to store the MPEG data.
Go to Menu > Option > Environmental setting to set folder for temporary file.

MPEG file I made is larger than source file.
TMPGEnc adjusts to longer file from either video or audio, then larger file can be made.
Version Bata 10m or later can specify encoding area to solve this matter.

Which is preview before encoding or after encoding?
As far as it is before encoding, the preview is also the one before the encoding. In the case of AVI, preview is always the one before encoding.

Despite that the frame rate of a AVI file was 30fps, it was automatically converted to 29.97fps in MPEG.
TMPGEnc automatically choose closest, higher frame rate. If you do not like the framerate which is automatically chosen, please select the framerate you want.

I would like to know the order of filter.
Convert to 24fps > Ghost erase> Noise erase > Sharpen edge > Color adjust > Disable Interlace > Detect scene change > Clipping > Enlarge/Reduce > Encode

Can I save setting of "Color adjust" and "Convert to 24fps"?
Yes, go to file menu > save to project.

Does TMPGEnc read referred AVI file made by DVRaptor or IODATA GV-DVC/PCI ?
TMPGEnc can read all the AVI file which can be read by applications supporting Video For Windows.

Does TMPGEnc read OpenDML(AVI2) format?
TMPGEnc supports OpenDML file format, so it is able to read non compressed AVI file which is larger than 4GB, however, Type-1 DV format is not supported.

TMPGEnc can not read AVI file with DV format.
The file is probably Type-1 DV format. The format is not supported by TMPGEnc. Type-1format has different structure from AVI format. TMPGEnc can not read the format since TMPGEnc does not support DirectShow.
To solve this matter, try to save the captured or edited file as Type-2 DV format, however, there are still chance not to be able to read the file if you are using general IEEE1394 board without codec for VFW.

When I open the property of a MPEG made by TMPGEnc, audio is different from I specified at encoding option.
Are you using "mp3info" to display MPEG file's property?
As far as we know, mp3info does not seem to support system stream format.
mp3info detects wrong since a part of system stream is similar to MPEG-Audio file header.
If you are encoding audio only, correct bitrate will appear.

[3] Video-CD issue

I would like to create MPEG file for Video-CD format.
Press "Load" to load specific file, "Video-CD (NTSC).mcf" then you can make MPEG file for Video-CD.

[4] Others

Is there any way to save MotionJpeg AVI file efficiently without corruption?
Use codec, such as MotionSZH, AVIzlib for reversible compression.

Will BeOS or Linux supported in the future?
No, We do not have any plan to support another OS so far.

Where the name "TMPGEnc" came from?
Originally, it was "TSUNAMI-MPEG Encoder", then I have shortened to same name as exe file, TMPGEnc.



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